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Very important question.. do y'all have any movie recommendations?? I need to watch some different movies instead of watching the same stuff over and over again.. anyway enjoy!!
TW: talk of self-harm, and objects that imply that.

Amber's POV
My head hurts. I feel like I've been dead. Am I dead? No I'm not, sadly. I thought that would've worked.

Oh shit. Tara.. is she okay? I don't want to open my eyes. I don't wanna face her. I don't want her to be mad. I don't want to see her cry. I wanna sleep forever.

The sound of beeping is killing me. The light is making it too bright, even with my eyes closed.

I feel someone holding my hand. It's Tara, I can tell.

I open my eyes a bit and see Tara sleeping beside me in one of the big chairs with her hand on mine. I pick up my other hand a wipe my eyes. Why'd they make these rooms so damn bright? There is no need.

"Ugh" I groan while trying to reposition myself without disturbing Tara. These lights are killing me.

"Ambs? Are you up?" Tara asks with her sleepy voice. Now I'm kinda glad I woke up or I wouldn't have heard that. I love her sleepy voice.

"Mhm" is all I can get out. I don't know if I'll be able to talk. I'm honestly scared. If I talk, I'll sound dumb. I can feel it.

"Oh thank god! I missed you so much ambs!" Tara says leaning in to hug me. Right after she hugs me, she hits my arm, very lightly though. "Why would you do that? You scared me!" Tara says. She's tearing up. She already has tear stains on her face, I don't want her to cry more.

"I'm sorry.. I really am. I didn't mean to scare you. I just didn't wanna deal with the pain anymore. I'm not as mentally tough as you are. Little things hurt just as much as big things. I'm sorry Tara, I'm really super sorry" I say and start crying.

"It's fine Amber I just— just wish I could've helped you. I'm sorry for not helping. I'm sorry for storming out like that and being over dramatic. I just want you to know I love you. I love you more than anything in the world" my girlfriend says and gives me a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you more than anything in the universe my love" I say. I pat the spot next to me so she knows she can sit with me. As soon as I do that she sits in the bed with me.

"I'm sorry, for everything" I say while cuddling into Tara's side. "There's nothing to be sorry for. You're perfect to me" the love of my life says and kisses my head.

I kinda want to sleep again. I'm really comfortable. As soon as I shut my eyes the door opens and a nurse steps in.

"Oh, you're awake! How are you feeling sweetie?" The nurse asks. "I'm alright. These lights are hurting my eyes though" I say as the nurse continues to walk over.

"Yeah, lots of people say the lights are too bright. We just got these new remotes that can dim the lights a bit. Here it is!" The nurse says while handing me the light remote. I dim the lights down and it's much better now.

"Okay Miss Freeman, I have to give you a quick check up. So Ma'am if you could please get out the bed" she says while looking at Tara.

"Okay" Tara says while getting up out of the bed. Now I'm cold. She was so warm. Like a heated blanket that you would want to stay with during winter.

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