Jayyon Green

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Every since our last conversation ive been avoiding Donovan for some days now, did he like that? No, any chance he'd get he would humiliate me infront of the whole school, he even caught me once by myself and that wasn't good either, he made me lay on the ground on my stomach and be placed his feet on my back and held me there till he felt like letting me up, it was painful and uncomfortable. Everything was sore the time I got home.

I hope today is different.

"Be sure to have a good day sweetie and remember invite your friend to dinner tonight." She tells me, I smiled and kiss her cheek. "I will mom bye" I waved her off and got out as I held my books to my chest heading inside. I looked around to be sure not run into Donovan and his crew to my surprise they weren't in the school yard. Thank god.

"Yo! You Anais right?"

I turned to see where the voice came from and I swear I felt my heart skip a beat. The most popular boy in school stood in front of me. Jayyon Green, he was the captain of the basketball team and the 3rd chairman representative for our grade. He had long curls, his skin was a beautiful milk chocolate and he stood at about 5'11, he was very skinny but muscular it suited him.

"Uhm yes?" I confirmed staying on guard in case this was one of the Barbie tricks.

She had never really spoken to Jayyon before, and she couldn't believe that he was talking to her now.

"I knew that I just wanted to hear you say it" he gives me a smile, blushes slightly I put some hair behind my ear.

"I notice you around school but I never had the courage to talk to ya, I mean with my status and all the high school politics-"

"And your girlfriend." I finished for him.

He gives me a chuckle.

"We're not together anymore actually we been broken up for months now. Hey can I carry your books for you?" He asks after explaining to me his situation.

Feeling hesitant he notice that I was uncomfortable so he put his hands up.

"Sorry if this all so sudden, I don't mean to make you uncomfortable" he apologized.

Looking at my phone I saw I had 5 min before class started.

"It's fine, uhm I should really go it's nice meeting you" I tell him walking away, when I thought I got away I felt him come up next to me.

"Than I'll just walk ya to class if you don't mind." He smiled again, he had a really handsome smile but for some reason I wish it was Donovan smiling at me, oddly all the things Jayyon wants to do for me I wish Donovan would do. Ugh I need to stop thinking about him.

Nodding I let him, at this point I wanted to know others have others friends except for Tracy and well I don't know if Donovan is my friend.

After walking a couple minutes we stopped at my classroom and I turned to him.

"Uhm...Thank you for walking me" I tell him.

He gives me a smile and suddenly his hand brushed a strand of hair from my face and behind my ear, it caught me off guard as I gasped a little surprised.

"you're more beautiful than I thought..." he stares at me with this look in his eyes, it was something different, it felt like lust...

"I hope to see you around more,  he's not the only one who notices you remember that" he moved his hand away and walked away going to his class, wait what?! who's he talking about?...is he talking about Elvis? how does he know Elvis and what does he mean?! ugh can my life not get anymore complicated.

Class passed by and it was lunchtime, me and Tracy at our little table.

"So what's this I hear about Jayyon green walking you to class? You know those fake tits who call themself Barbie's are pissed off." Tracy explains to me laughing.

This is what I meant by not wanting trouble, now the whole school knows and I'm sure it's gotten to Donovan and I'm so so dead if he catches me.

"It was nothing like that.. he just offered and I didn't want to be rude okay. Can we drop it?" I told her frustrated. She nodded and smiled at me, we continued eating and talking about my history with Donovan, since she insisted on knowing why Donovan was messing with me all the time and doing inappropriate things to me.

As we talked I saw Donovan and his boys walk in the cafeteria and my heart immediately started racing fast. Oh no. I quickly got up and bolted for the cafeteria door everyone looked at me like I was crazy, Jayyon locked eyes with me a frown on his face as he looked concern, Donovan smirked as he saw me and chased after me, Tracy called for me but I ran out as fast as I can not stopping.

I hear footsteps behind me but I refuse to look back, just as I got to the school double doors which led to the gym I was quickly snatched back into a hard chest, I went to scream but Donovan placed his hand over my mouth.

"You scream I swear to fucking god it will get worse. Relax." He growled out into my ear making me shiver and immediately quiet down. He dragged me into the gym, it was empty. After he closed the double doors back he let me go and I immediately stepped back.

"P-please Donovan I didn't do anything wrong!"

"You yelling at me?" He raised his eyebrow as his eyes darken.

I stopped talking completely and stood there slightly shaking.

"You think I don't have ear and eyes around this school? Didn't I tell you I didn't want you around other guys?!" He yelled at me making me whimper in fear.

"Y-you don't o-own me" I tell him with a shaky breath. "W-why do you can anyway who likes me" I asked him.

Suddenly he started laughing like a maniac, he walked up to me and i was too scared to run as he gripped my chin.

"You just don't get it do you? How stupid are you to think you have a say in your life?" He questioned me almost as if he was amused that I was acting like this, I mean what human being wouldn't when a crazy person is bullying and trying to hurt them constantly. I didn't say anything and he let my chin turning away as he ran his hand through his hair.

"You drive me insane and you don't even know it. You wanna go around and let every guy see your beautiful smile, touch you...touch what's mine" he whispers. I'm so confused, I don't understand him, one minutes he's angry with me the next he's saying sweet things, insult me but confess his feeling to me.

It doesn't make sense.

"Jayyon is...he just walked me to class that's all Donovan" I explain to him feeling confident again. He turns back to me again and stares at me once again, almost as if he's searching for any indication of me lying. "I'm giving you one last warning, stay away from Jayyon green or you will pay and this time I really will hurt you." He threatens me, I gulped a little "w-what?" I couldn't comprehend him. He walks closer to me so close his lip was almost touching mine, his demeanor is as different, this scared me more.

"Don't make me hurt you baby, you have no idea what im willing to do to get what I want. Try me and you will see an unpleasant side of me." He says and left a soft kiss on my lips, I already had tears slipping from my eyes at his words, I was so so scared, why is Donovan acting like this he was so nice a couple days ago at his apartment, I had my first kiss with him, this is the boy I...I love but won't admit to myself even through all the bad he does to me. I can't help but love Donovan.

Will this be my downfall...what he actually kills Me one day? Will he ever change?...

👉Till Than Presleys👈

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