Kindness for Blood

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"Mmm d-Donovan..please I have to go home" I moaned out softly as he lips attacked my neck sucking and biting in the skin.

He told me he would be taking me home after class had ended but we ended up at his place, soon as he got me inside he kissed me hungrily telling me how's it's been to long since he tasted my lips..

And here we are, I was half naked but he didn't touch me in anyway I didn't like, he didn't try to penetrate me or use his fingers he didn't even touch me down their he just layed between my legs and started kissing and sucking on my neck and shoulders.

"God baby you don't know the things you do to me" he whispered as he stopped and stared down at me. I was slightly breathless as I put my hands on his chest.

"I should..get h-home" I tell him again. He kissed my head once more and before I could react his finger brushed the lips of my womenhood making my breath hitch and he cupped it making me whimper a bit.

"Don't you ever let any man see, touch, feel or have this special part of you. Understand?" He said the playfulness leaving his voice he stared down at me with demanding eyes and I only nodded.
He was the only one who touched me like this.

"Let's go, I'll take you home" he whispered smiling at me as he got up, I shyly put my panties and pants back on.


"I'll see you at school tomorrow right?" He held my wrist stopping me from leaving him. His dark blue eyes stared into mine, it seemed like a question but also like a demand. I nodded shyly. "Y-yes I'll be there, we have the group project remember?" I told him, he gave me a smile and his hold on me loosen as he let me go, I quickly went inside as I heard his motorcycle sped off into the distance.

"I'm home mom!" I yelled out, I didn't get an answer so I locked the door and made my way upstairs, I went to my mother's room and there she was sleeping. I let out a soft breath sat close to her on her bed and looked at her. My mother had no idea what i was dealing with in school because of the good grades I kept, I don't talk to her anymore like I use to when I was little.
I mean if I told her everything she move us immediately and...I'll never see Donovan again, she'd have him locked up and put away. I'll never see Tracy again either and I can't lose her, she's the first best friend I've had in my life. I'll stop running from Donovan, I'll face whatever comes my way. It's time I grew up and started acting my age. My mother already had so much to worry about, like being a single mom taking care of a teenage daughter, keeping food in the house and paying bills all by herself.

She didn't need anymore problems. I kissed her head and left her room and took a shower to get ready for bed, tomorrow was Friday and it'd be the weekend. Everything should be fine tomorrow, Donovan is in a good mood and he didn't hurt Jayyon. Maybe he's not as crazy as I thought he was, he's really changing.



"You think you can come in this house whenever you feel like it young man? You have curfew" my mother nags at me as I stepped out of the shower, she's lucky she's my mother. I covered myself wrapping the towel around my waist walking pass her to the kitchen, she followed.

"Donovan Lanecaster I know you hear me, answer me now or so god help me I'll tell-"

"For fuck sake mom tell him! He's never around anyway" I snapped out. My mother held her chest as she started to cry, I growled out in frustration and left her going to my room. "You are just like your father! Why can't you be a good son!" She yelled angrily.

I ignored her and slammed my room door locking it and pushed the nearest wall, yelling out in anger at the mention of that man.

After I calmed myself the house was quiet, I sat on my bed and rested my head in my slightly bloody hands. I'm not like him.... I don't want to be like him. I stared at the floor as sudden memories of my childhood came to mind.

"You want to eat son?" I weakly reached for my father as my stomach ached in hunger and my body hurts. My father stared at me in disgust. "You know what you have to do. If you want food you have to spill some blood."he grinned at me. I groaned and got to my feet as I watched the three men surround me, I have to kill to eat. I must!

"Ahhhh" I screamed out in anger as I ran towards the first man...

My father always told me that if someone wants something from you, something has to be given. If you want to show mercy to someone you have to spill someone else blood. I say I don't want to be like him but I did the same thing to Anais, I nearly killed Jayyon to blow off my anger before I found myself hurting her, in order for her to have seen the side of me she seen today blood had to be spilled.

Maybe I am like my father.... More than I'd like to admit it. Fuck... all I want is Anais and for us to live happily together, to take over my father's company and build my own legacy. I need Anais to help me, when I'm with her everything is worth it.

my beautiful anais...



"Okay mom I'm off" I tell her, she kissed me and hugged me bye. I hurry and hopped into Tracy's car. I never knew she had a car, I questioned her and she said her father had to get it fixed since they just moved here.

"I can't wait till I get me a car" I tell her excitedly as I checked out her car. She laughed. "In due time, right now enjoy the ride I promise I'll try not to get us killed bestie" she smiled.

"Mhm so what happened with you and Jonas?." I asked her, she smiled again. "He's a total asshole like usual. God how can a guy like that make me consider liking him, he took me to see his motorcycle and I admit it was a really nice one, better than many I've seen before moving here. Then...he took me on a ride, that went horribly because he said he thought he deserved a kiss since he was so sweet to me, I socked him in his face. The asshole" she explains. I couldn't help but laugh, she looked at me and I laughed more.

"You totally like him!" I almost screamed. She laughed to chiming in "oh don't be ridiculous, I will never like a guy like him, if he's hanging out with that psychopath you call a friend or boyfriend whatever than he's bad news" she tells me. Of course her thoughts wouldn't change on Donovan, they did start off rough.

"Donovan is changing, so please try to get along with him and his friends for me? Please" I begged her, she smiled and shook her head. "Fine but I'll still kick there asses if they bother you" I smiled.

Another great day today, off to a good start.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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