AN- if you see this ~(word/s)~  then it's in the dragons luangague called 'Dragonian' okay

(Name's POV)

I glide through the air going on a new adventure looking at everything that I passed. The sea, the sea king's, news gulls, clouds, an island with bubbles, a ship- 'wait A SHIP?!?' I scream in my mind.

'And an island with bubbles?' I think stopping where I am to get ahold of the situation before deciding to glide over towards the island seeing that the ship parked there while I was having my mental breakdown thinking that it was a marine ship when it was a pirate ship that looked like a yellow submarine.
I continue to glide over towards the island going down further towards the water slowly but right as I was about to hit the water I swoop back up high into the air making it right above the land so I swoop down landing on the ground probably being spotted by the submarine.
I start a walk to the outlaw area after seeing quite a few boats at the shore or coming towards the shore, so I turn my walk into a trot towards the outlaw area before getting stopped by a weird dude wearing a spacesuit pointing a gun at me with a terified face before that terified face turned into a smug grin as they shot at me just as a few pirates come to the scene.
I dodge the bullet easily launching for him with my teeth bared before a blue sphere surrounds us and I get teleported to an unown place.
As I realise that I'm not there in the street anymore but with a random group of pirates I growl showing my teeth before calming down from the sent of MEAT coming closer and closer before someone comes over with a basket of meat that gets placed Infront of me.
I lay down sniffing the meat unsure if I could trust them or not.
After checking if the meat is poisonous or not I start to devour the meat not noticing a guy with a spotted hat approaching me from behind until I feel a hand on one of my scars on my tail tracing them, these actions make me move my tail to the side while eating the last piece of meat from the basket.
I turn around to be face to face with the black and white spotted hat man that was tracing my scars to look at them.

"What ARE you?" the man questions me.

I just stare back at them with a blank face before transforming into my human form which shocks them.

"Well I'm not a devil fruit user that's for sure" I state "maybe read some history books and find out"

"Just tell me" he says in a bossy tone like he's my pirate captain.

"Okay, we'll have you ever heard of a celestial dragon?" I question.

"Yeah you just tried to decapitate one" he states in an annoyed tone.

"No, not those fakes the real ones?" I question him again in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Those are the real ones!" He raises his voice getting angry with me.

"No their the fakes" I state getting angry but not as much as the black spotted hat man.

"Why do you say that then!!!" He tells.

"Because I'm a real one!" I state pissed.

"And how're you a real one!?!" He tells back at me as we walk to this other building.

"Because I'm a dragon. A wyvern called a celestial dragon or a revival dragon to be exact!" I yell back at him catching everyone's attention as we enter the building especially some more astronauts.

"Huh?" He questions me as we stand next to this red haired dude at the very back of the building.

"Do you need me to spell it out? Okay here I'M. A. DRAGON. I. M. A. D. R. A. G. O. N. ~I'M A DRAGON~" I say.

"What the fuck did you just speak a different language or something?" the red haired pirate next to the spotted hat one cussed.

"~yup~" I say in Dragonian.

"There you fucking go again what the hell did you just say?!" The red haired one asked in a very snappy tone.

"~i said yup~" I say in a more annoyed tone before realising that I've been speaking in Dragonian.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYING!!!" The red haired one yells as the spotted hat one leans onto the wall that's behind him observing my conversation with the other.

"~im saying 'Fuck off'!!!~" I yell back at him before watching as a new group of pirates enter the building.

"~hi~" I wave at the group not thinking that anyone would respond as I'm speaking in Dragonian.

"Hi!" A raindeer one replies shocking me.

"Eh?" I question if I'm in a dream or not as a raindeer a RAINDEER just replied to me when I spoke in Dragonian and they spoke in the human language.

"Raindeers can speak?" I question.

"No I just ate the human human fruit" (I don't remember the actual devil fruit name sorry) the raindeer answered me.

"~okay well I'm a dragon see tail and all, no devil fruit or anything~" I whisper to the cute raindeer like someone else could understand me.

"COOL!!" They say with stars in their eyes as a boy about the same age as me with looks comes over to us.

"Watcha talk'n about?" The straw hatted boy asks as they stop at us.

"Dragons ~why do you smell like meat~?" I question making the raindeer giggle at my last statement.

"COOL!! Why do you have a tail and horns?" The boy questions me while reaching for my tail.

"I got fangs too but to answer your question I'm a dragon!" I chirp.

(A time skip brought to you by Luffy chasing his shadow)

(After everything from the anime and the strawhats getting blasted off by Kuma)

(I'm lazy sorry)

Im flying away from the island at top speed chasing my new friend that is the straw hatted boy that is now known as Monkey. D. Luffy!


AN- Sorry about the cliffhanger!
Marineford is coming though!!! 😱

Again I dont own one piece, videos, music and most pictures. Credits goes to the owners!!

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