Thank you for all of the reads! It means alot to me that I have so many people reading my FIRST book!!!

Big thank you!

Also '(word/s)' will mean thinking.

Don't put the song on yet, trust me!!


Chase chase chase.

That's all that was happening.

Just chase chase chase then almost lose them a couple times.

Just to find them again.

What's at the end?

Who knows.

Only the future can decide our fate.

Or so we think.

Or is it the heavens?

Or the hells?

Who knows what our fate will be?

After all were just gods toys.


(Names POV)

'fly fly fly, it's all I can do, well at least that is what I think' I argue to myself still flying at top speed.
It's like a nightmare, no matter how fast you go, you just can't keep up.

'i gotta fly faster' I think.

I try to fly faster but fail, so I keep on trying and on my about 10th attempt I succeed going way faster than I ever could so I look around realising the lightning particals that are around me making me go faster.
I keep on getting closer and closer until I realise that he's going down towards the ground, so I speed up and end up right next to him but as I get next to him I hit solid ground along with him but as he hits the ground it makes a paw print in the ground.

'thank got he's still breathing' I think looking at him as his chest goes up and down.

My eyes get heavier with each blink I do and I eventually fall into an unwanted sleep.

(Luffy's POV)

I wake up in the middle of a paw print in the ground with (name) off to the side of the law print, fast asleep.

Time skip presented by ussop missing his target (Luffy) for the first time.
AKA I'm lazy.
So here's a pic for you.

after the newspaper came

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after the newspaper came

(Nobody's POV)

Luffy hides in Handcocks cloke and (name) just flys so high up in the air that they will just mistaken her as a bird and not a dragon.
As they near Impel down (name) swoops down scaring some crewmates but she acts friendly befriending them kind of, and when they reach impel down (names) laying down on the deck and as somebody (I don't remember who they are or their name) comes over towards the ship they notice (name) sleeping on the deck as Handcock comes out of the room with Luffy in her coat.

(Names POV)

They just walk off the ship as I decide to fly towards to marineford.
I stand up and walk towards the railing of the ship.
When I make it to the railing I transform into my human form jumping off the ship before transforming into my dragon form again.
I glide through the air towards marineford using my (N/A/N) (new ability name) to get to Marinford really fast.
When I arrive at marineford I land on the ground scaring all of the marines.
I instantly lay down resting myself as my (N/A/N) uses a lot of energy from me.
My presence attracts alot of the marines attention and those marines are the admirals, Garp, fleet admiral Sengoku and some more low ranking marines.
One of the admirals decides to do the most stupidest thing imaginable. Trying to pat me.
And, of course I, being the idiot dragon that I am.
Exempted the pats from the magma admiral. (Don't hate me it's for the plot, trust me please)
As I was getting patted by the admiral I didn't notice them putting a slave coller on my neck.
Once he put the slave coller on me I noticed it thanks to a click noise that come from my neck making me growl.

Put the song on now!

I stop growling hearing something in the distance.
What is it who knows.
But me.
It was just master.
As he's coming.
To help me.
His pet.
Or is he here to take revenge for me?
Who cares he's just coming here and that's all that matters.
I look around finally realising how long I've even listening to master.
As there is a whole battle going on around me and the magma admiral ready left me alone going back to his seat next to the other admirals.

I can't wait for master to come to the rescue.

For master to get me out of my bounds.

I can hear his beat.


A/N: those who have watched Luffy fight the yonko in wano then you might know what it's talking about and who 'master' is!! 😜

Again I don't own one piece, most pictures, videos, and songs so credits to the owners!!

Word count: 812

Willpower (One piece X  Fem! Reader) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now