~7 + announcement~

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Sorry for the wait guys!!
If you like this story so far maybe consider voting!!
Anyways I hope you in joy this part!! 😁


-3rd persons POV-

(Name) was gliding through the air with the two individuals on her back as she was in her full sized dragon form.
As she glided towards the destination every now and then she would have to dodge light beams as she tries to leave the battlefield.
Though Kizaru shot four light beams at her making it impossible to dodge all of them so she got hit, because of the impact she started free falling towards  the ground.


I'm putting this story on hold for nowsorry!
Tho I might recontinue this in the future.
I have just lost my spark to continue this.
I'm so so so very sorry!! 

Word count:139

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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Willpower (One piece X  Fem! Reader) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now