Dun dun dun
What's going to happen?
Read to find out!!
Also if you like this story maybe consider voting!
It gives me lots of courage for future chapters!!
Now, back to the story. . .


(Name)s POV:

I can hear him.
I can hear master.
I can't wait to see master again!
And for him to help me.
To save me.
To free me.
I can hear him, his heart beat.
It's so refreshing to hear after so long.
After so many years of not being able to hear master, his heartbeat, the source of his life.
I look up and see a ship with many people falling along with it.
I recognise one person though, and that person is Monkey. D. Luffy!
Luffy aswell as lots of prisoners were falling from the sky with a marine ship.
I get up spreading my wings and flying towards them grabbing Luffy in my mouth, not tight enough to hurt him, but tight enough to keep a hold on him with the speed that I'm going at.
I dive down and right before I hit the water I glide back up while also giving Luffy alot of a head start then the others.
Right before we land I transform into my human form making the coller too big so then it falls off.
When we landed together we landed side by side before I have to dodge an attack aimed at me and halfway between me dodging I transform into my small dragon form. Basically a smaller version of the dragon form!
Then I hop onto Luffy's shoulder breathing fire at anyone who tries to sneak up on him.
We continue like this for a while untill I go off on my own.

Time skip to ace dieing cuz I'm laaazzyy. . .

It feels like time freezes as I watch ace get punched by the magma admiral.
When ace falls into luffy's arms I fly over there using (l/P/M) (lightning partical move) to get there w way faster using myself as a shield to lock the second attack he tried to do and thanks to the dragon scales it did NOTHING.
I was pissed.
I. Am. Pissed.
So incredibly pissed.
My eyes shone of hatred and my teeth begged to have his blood covering them.
My scales glowed a firey hew around my neck before it extinguished when I realised that I have to heal him otherwise he won't make it.
Well I mean I could just revive him.
But then I'd have a time limit to track down his body and if its even the slightest bit of decomposed then I can't revive it.
I turned around and walked over towards the two.
When I got there I picked ace up before laying his back to the ground and laying my head on the main wound to heal that first as it is the life threatening wound.
My throat glowed a light green hew healing his wound extremely fast.
When I finished healing the wound I got both of them on my back and flew off towards an island that I know they will be safe at.


A/N A hat island will it be?

Oh that lucky island to have TWO trouble makers on it.

Thank you so much for all of the reads!!

Last time I checked my reads it was over ONE HUNDRED!!!!!!😄

So thank you!!

I don't own one piece, most pictures, videos and music so credits to the owners.

Word count: 592

Willpower (One piece X  Fem! Reader) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now