Chapter 5

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"Class dismissed, don't forget to do the homework on the OneNote for Friday," Ms Forrester orders as the bell signals the end of chemistry and the start of lunch.

"Hey, Isla!" Martha comes up to me as I pack away my belongings.  "We're all having lunch together today, right?"

"Yeah, we're meeting in our form room, I think," I reply as I swing my bag over my shoulder, and we walk down the corridor.

Wednesday is the day where our "friendship group", as one would call it, all have lunch together.  It's the only day where our schedules allow it, since some of us have a really busy timetable with a plethora of lunch time clubs.

When we arrive in the classroom, we see Katherine and Charlotte already waiting for us. 

"Hey guys!" Katherine calls to us enthusiastically.  "What lesson did you just come from?"

"Chemistry," Martha answers for us.  "And you guys had... DT?"

"Yep," Charlotte says.  "We worked on our projects, and mine is almost done.  It just needs the last finishing touches.  What did you guys do in chem?"

I open my mouth and am about to answer when Ruby and Elizabeth walks in.  And foolishly like how a moth is drawn to the light, my eyes are unconsciously drawn to Ruby.

Next to me, Martha bumps my shoulder lightly and casts me a knowing glance, but I know she won't tease me for it. 

"Hey everyone, shall we head down to lunch?" Ruby asks.  Voicing our agreements, we collectively stroll to the dining hall, chatting as we walk, and it isn't long before reach the front of the queue to receive our food and find an empty table to sit down.

"Urgh, I swear the school food is getting worse and worse," Martha comments as she stabs a piece of chicken with her fork.  "This is definitely undercooked."

"That's why I opted for the lasagna," Katherine chimes in, happily digging in and wolfing down the food.  Martha looks at the pile on her plate sceptically before resigning herself to nibble off some chicken.

I watch the exchange with mild amusement, as do the rest of our friends.

"Sooo," Charlotte begins, "what's everyone been up to?"

"Apart from our brains being overloaded with school?" Elizabeth jokes.  "Not much, just homework and revision in general.  My parents are signing me up for a bunch of tutor classes now that we're in U5."

"Honestly, same," agrees Martha.

"It's not that bad, really," Katherine jumps in, and Elizabeth immediately calls her out, "Says you, you're an academic scholar!"  We giggle, but there is no menace in our laughter, despite Katherine's face reddening in embarrassment and her vain protests and excuses.

"But enough about school work," Charlotte says, "did anyone do anything fun?"

"Oh yeah," Katherine interrupts, gesturing to Ruby and me, "didn't the two of you say you were going to town yesterday?"

"Yeah, we went to Lotus House and met up with Elena, Sabrina, Yvonne, and some of their other friends," I answer, indifferent to their shocked expressions.

"Elena?" asks Elizabeth.  "As in the Elena in our year?"  Her mouth hangs wide open as she tries to comprehend my words.

"Mhm," I nod as I continue devouring my lasagna, pointedly refusing anyone's gaze.  Seeing that they won't be getting any other information out of me for time being, the four friends turn to Ruby. 

"And you were there too?" questions Charlotte.  "It's not just Isla making things up?"  I roll my eyes at her, but when Ruby confirms my statement, Martha's countenance turns from one of doubt to one of disbelief and immense surprise.  "Are you actually serious?  Has the world suddenly turned upside down?"

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