Chapter 6

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Elena's recognisable voice rings out loud and clear, the sound like a knife piercing the awkward silence and straight into my skull.

Caught red-handed, I have no choice but to pick the bin up and place it neatly where it belongs, taking as long as I can, before turning towards them with a slight apologetic smile as I wish I could crawl into a hole and disappear off the face of the earth.

"Oh, um, sorry for disturbing you," I stutter out, when Elena looks at me expectantly. "You guys carry on. I'll just be on my way."

"Not so fast," Elena orders just as I am about to slip out through the doorway. Her friend — well, make-out partner — stands off to the side, clearly feeling as uncomfortable in this situation as me.

Elena stalks forward until she is standing right in front of me, and I resist the urge to back away, suddenly feeling very small next to the other girl, who has at least a couple of inches on me.

"Well? What are you doing here?" Elena asks in a condescending manner.

Annoyed for some reason, I snap back, "Last time I checked, this classroom doesn't belong to just you. It's a public space, and I've got as much right to be here as you do."

Elena raises her eyebrows, which annoys me even further as I notice that she merely seems amused by my outburst. "Is someone jealous?" she taunts.

My eyes widen at her bold remark. No way! Has Elena lost her mind?

Too shocked to reply, I stutter out, "N-No, of course not," but my denial only makes her smirk wider.

At that exact moment, some other girls in my class burst into the classroom through the door, too caught up in their chatter to notice the scene that they have stumbled upon.

A rosy blush coats my cheeks, though I have no reason to. Right?

Fortunately, Elena has already returned to the other girl, who is eyeing me with a sceptical look.

"Come on, Mila," Elena says, taking her hand in her own, "let's go somewhere else where we won't be disturbed." Giving me a pointed look, she stalks past me and they leave out the door, and all the while Mila's glare looks murderous.

Seriously? What did I even do to her??

Shaking it out of my thoughts, I walk the short distance over to my seat and sit down, opening up my iPad. Pulling out my exercise books and pencils, I decide to spend the rest of lunch being productive and doing some homework — it is the reason I gave the others for leaving lunch early —despite the noise from the carefree and unconcerned students chattering away next to me.

Before long, lunch break is over and the class starts to file in one by one, trickling in through the door like sand in an hourglass, counting down the seconds until Ruby and Martha return. (Katherine, Elizabeth, and Charlotte aren't in the same class as us.)

By the time they finally enter the classroom, almost all of my homework is done and my fingers are fidgeting in anticipation . I'm nervous, yet there's absolutely no reason to be. Unless Ruby questions me about my abrupt departure at lunch and puts two and two together.

To my relief, the two only briefly ask me how my homework's going, to which I reply that it's alright. And that marks the end of the conversation when the bell sounds and our form tutor walks in to register us.

Saved by the bell, I think to myself as the students settle down.

An hour of maths later, having completed at least 5 long worksheets and gotten set 3 more for homework, my brain is ready to explode. Unfortunately, I still have an hour of PE to go before the end of the school day. After speedily changing into my PE kit, I head over to the sports hall for badminton, which is my choice of sports for the Autumn term.

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