Chapter 14

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On the first official day of the Christmas holidays, I wake up feeling replenished with energy and giddy with excitement.

First and foremost, school is finally out. Not even the thought of the upcoming revision or the mock exams right around the corner can dampen my ecstatic mood.

And the second reason for my joy this morning, is obviously the sleepover with Ruby, Katherine, Charlotte, Martha and Elizabeth. I really can't wait, especially considering that the last time we've done something fun outside of school with all 6 of six was way back during half-term break. That was the visit to Thrill Paradise, which already seems ages ago.

Our sleepover today has been planned with precision, from timings to meals to activities and everything. We decided on Monday after consulting all of us involved that it would be best to host it at Elizabeth's place, and luckily her parents are more than happy to welcome us into their home for the night. All of our parents have agreed as well, although some with more convincing than others.

My mum and dad are completely fine with this arrangement, and they're glad that I can spend some time with my friends before the studying commences. The only condition they specified is that I have to be home the day that Iris returns from Oxford and not miss any family gatherings, which will be taking place mainly on the 25th and 26th, as well as a few more days scattered across the holidays, considering our huge extended family with great-aunts and second cousins and whatnot.

Having already packed for the sleepover the night before, I head downstairs after getting ready for a quick breakfast before my departure. Both my parents are already awake and are currently enjoying some pastries in the kitchen.

"Morning, Mum. Morning, Dad." I greet them as I snatch up a delicious pain au chocolat from the pastry basket.

"Someone's in a good mood today," Dad remarks as he pauses in his texting to acknowledge me. "Excited for the sleepover?"

"Yep," I reply curtly as I devour my pastry and resolve to choose another one to snack on during the journey to Elizabeth's place.

My dad has already agreed to drive me there, since he doesn't need to work on Saturday mornings and isn't too busy. The drive only takes around 20 minutes anyways, which isn't that long and won't take up too much of his time.

"Ready to go?" Mum asks me. "Remember to text us if there's anything you need, okay?"

"Mhm," I nod, sure that I probably won't need to.

Waving goodbye to my mum, my dad and I leave the house. I climb into the front seat of the car, dumping my duffel bag of clothes and stuff I need for the stay in the back.

During the ride, I scroll through my phone constantly to check if any of the others have messaged to say they've arrived yet. So far, none. Which is good, since it means that I'm won't be late or behind on schedule.

As I'm on my phone, I check my other messages as well, a few of which are from Mike. Although we're not dating anymore, we're still really great friends and text almost daily, whether it's because we want to confide in someone that's outside of our respective schools, to vent about teachers and class and friendships, or even something as simple and silly as a funny meme that we've seen and wanted to share.

After replying to the meme Mike sent with an emoji and a funny comment, I scroll down to check my other texts before closing the app and opening another one to do the same.

Urgh, why can't people just use one universal app to communicate?!

There's a few texts from the extended family group chat, which I ignore because it's near impossible to keep track with how often it pings with new messages.

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