Chapter 21

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Two weeks later...


After two long gruesome excruciating weeks packed with exams and revision, our mocks are over.

And now, the next thing on the agenda? The actual exams. Yay.

At least they're not until several months, which I'm sure will offer us plenty of time to consolidate and practice what we've learnt as well as thoroughly revise what we haven't. But for now, let me just enjoy and take solace in the fact that our mock exams are over and done with.

As for the other issue on my mind that takes the form of one popular queen bee Elena Quinn... I'm over it. Like, totally over it. Completely and utterly I-don't-even-remember-it over it.

Yeah... not so convincing, am I?

The truth is, I've been ignoring it for the past two weeks while we were taking our mocks. I've pushed it to the back of my mind so far back so that it wouldn't distract me in the slightest. I've been ignoring how I've come to terms with the fact that I actually do in fact have a crush on Elena. (However unlikely it may seem to me if I told my younger self.)

Not that it matters anyways. Elena doesn't care. Our brief friendship — if I can even call it that — and our singular kiss at her party doesn't mean as much to her as it does to me.

She's moved on. Moved on to bigger and better things. Elena's even already gotten herself a brand new boyfriend, for crying out loud. And I'm just one insignificant pebble that simply strayed onto her path for a short while before she got sick of me and kicked me away.

But that's okay. It won't take long to get past it. If she's moved on already, then so can I.


The weeks after our mocks have passed fairly quickly, and I'm pleased to say that my predicted grades are up to a good standard. Now all that's left to do is repeat it again in the actual exams, and revise tactically so that I can raise the few subjects in which I still need improvement.

Before I know it though, three weeks have flown by and the upcoming half-term break is upon us. Originally, I don't have any plans, perhaps just some relaxing at home mixed with the occasional revision and homework. Netflix, music practice, chilling.

However, that boring plan changes in an instant when a friend is in need.

For on the Friday in the second-to-last week of the half-term, Katherine and I find Ruby breaking out into tears by her locker on her own during our lunch break.

"Oh my gosh, Ruby, are you okay?" Katherine asks upon noticing her teary eyes.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" I add, concerned for my best friend, especially since I haven't noticed anything wrong today, apart from perhaps Ruby being a bit more quiet and melancholy than usual.

"It's Zac... my boyfriend," Ruby manages to heave out in between her bursts of tears. "Or rather, my ex-boyfriend, as of this morning."

With that declarations, another stream of sobs follows, and Katherine and I try our best to comfort her.

"Come on, Ruby, it's ok," I console, wrapping my friend in a hug. "Boys come and go."

"Yeah, but friends stay forever!" Katherine chimes in. "Speaking of, do you want us to call over the others? Charlotte, Elizabeth, and Martha?"

Therefore, within minutes, the rest of the friend group has assembled, having rushed over immediately upon hearing about Ruby.

Even though none of our attempts at cheering her up has been very successful.

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