Chapter 15

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A/N: IMPORTANT PLEASE READ — This will be the last update in January, since I've been busy lately :( and don't have the next few chapters written yet.  But don't worry, I already have the plot line ready with just a few minor things to sort out.  I'm aiming to complete this story within the next few months if possible, and all of your reads and votes have been really encouraging so far, so thank you!!  


"So, the options we've narrowed down to," Elizabeth announces to the rest of us, "are Mean Girls, Legally Blonde, and The Devil Wears Prada. Final votes, everyone?"

The six of us are currently in the living room of Elizabeth's house, choosing the movie that we'll be watching in the evening. After such an eventful day full of games of activities, it's only natural to end it with rewatching a fun comedy classic.

Before lunch, we've played a round of Monopoly, with Charlotte emerging as the winner. Then, as we snack on pizza and scrumptious garlic dough balls, we've managed to binge season 1 of XO Kitty as well as both seasons of Heartstopper. Both of which I've watched already of course, but it's always nice to rewatch with friends.

Now, having just finished dinner, and with Elizabeth's parents retreating upstairs to let us have the ground floor to ourselves, our plan is to play a few rounds of Just Dance and watch a movie together. After which we will withdraw to the top floor to get ready for bed, where we'll then be chatting, gossiping, and playing some party games before finally falling asleep probably after midnight.

Sounds like a solid plan, doesn't it?

"I vote for The Devil Wears Prada," Charlotte answers first.

"Same!" Katherine squeals enthusiastically as she seconds Charlotte's choice.

"Mean Girls for me," Martha says.

"Ruby? Isla?" Elizabeth turns to the two of us.

Ruby thinks about it for a second then answers, "The Devil Wears Prada, I guess. But we've watched all of them already, so either one's fine for me."

"I abstain," I decide, "I don't really mind. You guys choose."

"Okay, then we'll go with The Devil Wears Prada," Elizabeth concludes when there are no other objections. "Right, now that we've decided, let's do some Just Dance!"

"Don't forget we also need to leave time to watch the movie," Charlotte reminds us just as Elizabeth picks up the TV remote and navigates to YouTube, in order to choose a Just Dance from there. "The Devil Wears Prada is 1 hour and 46 minutes long," she explains as she searches up the runtime of the said film on her phone.

"Don't worry, we've got plenty of time," Martha counters. "It's only... 8:14."

"Alright then, does this one look okay?" Elizabeth turns to us, gesturing to a Just Dance video that she's picked out featuring 4 dancers. Leaving the decision to the others, I shrug and nod, not being very knowledgeable in the art of Just Dance, since I've rarely played it before.

Katherine, on the other hand, protests, "That one only has 4 people, but there's 6 of us here."

"Doesn't matter," Martha says. "It's hard to find one for 6 anyways. We can just take turns."

"You guys go first then," I tell them, opting the sit out the first round of dance. "I'll just be taking a break over here."

"Same with me," Ruby says and plops down on the couch next to me while the other 4 girls shrug and take centre stage as they start the video.

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