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YOO-JIN and the hiking group walked back towards the retreat center as she shoved her hands inside her pockets

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YOO-JIN and the hiking group walked back towards the retreat center as she shoved her hands inside her pockets.

"Hey, they're back." A girl spoke up as the group from the hiking trail entered the retreat center.

"How far into the village were you able to go?" Kyung-jun questioned the class president, receiving no answer "You said you would meet people and call the police. Did you do it?" He snapped.

Jun-hee avoided eye contact with the bully "We couldn't go. The entire place is enclosed with the line." He responded, looking down as Kyung-jun sighed, throwing a empty water bottle to the floor.

"We're completely locked in here." He continued "Then, does that mean... we can't leave this place until the game is over?" Yoon-seo asked as Jun-hee gave a slight nod.

Jin-ha placed a cup of ramyeon on the cafeteria table "You love this sesame-seed flavored ramyeon." Jin-ha spoke, placing a hand over Da-beom's shoulder.

"Right. Thank you." Da-beom gave a small smile "The ramyeon preference is the only thing we have in common." Seung-bin laughed.

"The do you have a different preference for music?" Jin-ha grabbed Da-beom's headphones, trying to put them on Seung-bin.

Seung-bin pushed him away "Darn you. Do you have a death wish? Don't shove that perverted music on me." He hissed.

"Okay, chill. I won't do that." Jin-ha spoke, throwing the headphones on the table.

"Nerd. You're the game expert. Is this an existing game?" Kyung-jun asked, showing his phone to the weaker guy.

"No. It's my first time seeing it too. But I'm not a nerd.." He muttered out the last part "Okay, sorry. So what should we do to win this game?" Kyung-jun questioned.

"It's the same as playing the Mafia Game. Haven't you played it before?" He asked "You think I don't know that, you punk?" Kyung-jun spoke.

The boy looked down "Everyone's identities are not revealed until they die. You have to find out who your opponents are. The Doctors and Police are on the Citizens' side. The team that wipes out the other team will win." He explained.

"Darn it. It'll take forever to find the Mafia." Seung-bin complained, trying to ruffle his hair before remembering that his buzz cut prevented it.

"Hey. Why don't we just kill of random people? Then the game will end." He proposed "Oh, brilliant move. You're a Citizen too, right? So, why not spice things up by killing off some pals?" Yoo-jin remarked, her tone laced with sarcasm as she spoke up.

"It said we had to wipe off the other team, you idiot." Seung-bin waved his phone at her face "Why do you want to kill off people on your team too? You can't even follow through with it. Stop acting tough." Jin-ha retorted.

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