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MORNING arrived, and Jun-hee stirred from his sleep

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MORNING arrived, and Jun-hee stirred from his sleep. Swiftly, he made his way to the pool area, with Yoon-seo trailing behind.

Upon reaching the pool, he wasted no time, immediately diving into the water to rescue his sister.

As the boy emerged from the water, he enveloped the girl in a tight hug, tears streaming down his cheeks "I should've never let you volunteer..." he sobbed, overwhelmed with guilt as if he bore responsibility for her fate.

The usual siren was heard 'Before the last vote closed, the Doctor nominated whom to Heal. The nominated player was Kim Yoo-jin. Thanks to the Doctor's ability to Heal, Kim Yoo-jin has been brought back to life.' the woman on the PA chimed. The once lifeless girl began to cough, gradually regaining consciousness.

Yoo-jin turned to face her brother once again, he immediately engulfed her in a tight embrace, Jun-hee's embrace tightened, a mixture of fear and relief in his voice "Yoo-jin... I can't believe you did something like that. You scared me. Why would you endanger your own life?" He questioned, his tone a blend of concern and scolding. Yoo-jin, still processing the intense emotions, sat there blankly for a moment before placing a comforting hand on Jun-hee's back, patting it gently.

Just then another siren echoed through the air 'During the night, Shin Seung-bin was executed by the Mafia. Shin Seung-bin was a Citizen. Morning has come. All the participants, identify the Mafia and begin to vote.' The voice on the PA announced as Yoo-jin widened her eyes and immediately stood up, running towards the place where the boy usually hid.

Upon reaching the area, the girl noticed a few people standing in front of the arcade door, their expressions etched with terror at whatever lay inside.

Determinedly, she marched toward the door, covering her mouth in shock as she beheld the unsettling scene.

"No... it can't be." she shook her head, approaching the corpse of one of her closest friends, she felt like she wanted to break down in tears upon spotting him dead.

"Hey, did you kill him?" a boy asked, observing Jin-ha's entrance. Yoo-jin turned her head toward the boy, who also cast a glance at her. His expression remained unreadable, leaving it uncertain whether he felt betrayed, angered, or something else entirely.

Jin-ha shook his head "It wasn't me. I didn't kill him! When I woke up this morning that's how I found him." He explained "It wasn't me. Guys, it really wasn't me." He cried out, seeing that almost no one believed him.

Yoo-jin was sitting in the infirmary, changing her bandage after the one from last night got wet. Just as she was bandaging up her hand, two figures walked in.

Yoo-jin stared at the two for a few seconds before averting her gaze back to her wound "How's your ankle?" she asked the girl.

"It's not bad." Na-hee responded, walking over to the nurse's desk "By the way, you're a Citizen, right?" she asked, grabbing a bottle of Povidone.

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