Hero gone bad? (daiken) [a bit Daisuke angsty]

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// No one's POV //

It's been a while since the digidestined have defeated the Digimon Kaiser Ken and got him as new adition to the team before Aruchenimon and Mummymon showed up.

One day Daisuke has a fight with the group, Ken tried to follow him, but he tripped on a rock and when he sat up, Davis was... gone? He looks around, but the only thing he finds is a bracelet that Kari gave him, they all have matching bracelets, ask Kari why she insisted on everyone wearing it. Davis always kept it and refused to take it off, so why would he now? So many questions run in Ken's mind, but he runs off when he hears the other's call him over.

// Davis POV //

Stupid T.K, stupid Yolei, stupid Kari! I am a great leader, aren't I demiveemon?

Demiveemon nods as we walk down the weird... beach? 

"They just can't see how good you are." He says, I hug him tight. Then, I hear laughter behind us and before I knew it, Mummymon wrapped us both up and Aruchenimon hit us unconscious...

I wake up, just to notice that we are in a weird house. Aruchenimon sits next to me.

"Sad that your pathetic little friends can't see how much potential you have? That they think you are weak? Not worthy of being a digidestined? Why not join us, we treat each of our teammates like family."

I shake my head.

"Never! I am a digidestined, no matter what they say! I trust them!"

"But do they trust you?"


That one his me hard... do they trust me ?... I know for sure that Ken does, Oh my sweet Ken... But do Kari, T.K, Yolei and Cody care? Have they ever cared about me?...

"I-I'm sure they do!"

"Are you really? Don't you think if they truly trusted you that they would include you in more of their group activities?"

I freeze.

"I-I.... You don't know what you're talking about!"

"Don't try to deny it. I see how you are left out of everything they do. You're the black sheep of the group, a loser, a nobody."

// No one's POV //

Daisuke freezes in place, his breath hitching...

That makes him remember all the times they left Davis out of group activities, keep secrets from him and just don't treat him right... Ken was the only one that stuck with him most of the time, actually respecting him, and that a lot more than the others. Daisuke looksto the side, thinking.

"... I.... What do you want?..."

"For you to joins us bud." Mummymon says.


"Davis, don't tell me you're actually gonna consider this." DemiVeemon says.

"They do have a point V..."

"But-But! What about the others?..."

"You know what?...."

"Fuck them"

"Fuck them all! They never gave a real shit about me! And after how they treated me, they still expect me to come back? No!"

"Davis..." Demiveemon looks to the side.

// Ken POV //

~A week time skip~

Davis has been missing for a week now. I did try to call him, so did the others, but he never picked up the phone, it's off the whole time. Een his parents and sister don't know where he is, which is quiete concerning.

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