Sneaky Feelings

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Can't wait to see you tonight babe, it's been too long and I'm starving ;) xx

I grimaced at the scrappy note that was just passed my way, not caring that Mr Foley was hovering right over my shoulder. I knew he wouldn't get Calum or me into trouble; the worst he'd do was confiscate the note and that would just be for his own enjoyment. Perv. I smiled up at him, raising my eyebrows slightly until he got the message and shuffled on to the next desk to creep on some other poor girl.

I really wasn't in the mood for Cal. I was still exhausted from our little London adventure and I'd been hoping to just go straight home to bed. Well, I probably wouldn't sleep. It was near to impossible when Josh constantly wanted to text. He'd sent me a message soon after El and I had gotten back to Bristol, letting me know that he'd passed my number on to Ross. Since then, we'd been texting so much that I ran out of all my credit in just under two days. He was a great laugh and a complete tosser (in the best way possible) but what really kept me up at night was the fact that Ross hadn't text or called me. Not once. Pete and even Evan had sent me 'hope you had a safe trip home" messages but absolutely nill from the boy I wanted to talk to. Fucker.

I twisted around in my chair so as to get Cal's attention, winking at him once I did. He smirked and leant back in his chair, blowing kisses at me. I pretended to catch them, acting as if I was loving the attention. Honestly, I hated that sort of icky, lovey dovey rubbish but Cal always looked cute whenever he acted like an idiot. Besides, Thora Bennett sat in plain view of both Cal and I and one of my favourite hobbies was driving her demented.

Thora Bennett was the most popular girl in school. Jet black silky hair, humongous boobs and an arse you could land a plane on; she was constantly sought after by almost every boy in town. Back before Cal and I started going out, she was just as desperate as I was for his approval and well, desperation sort of got the better of her and she utterly lost the plot when I got him and she didn't. Unfortunately, that didn't stop her from constantly trying to tear us apart. It didn't really bother me though; at the end of the day she'd always be a demented bitch.

I slouched in my chair and twisted my whole body around to face her, waving like a loon to get her attention. She looked up, obviously expecting someone else, and the smile immediately vanished from her face. In place, a new smile was plastered on her lips, the one she reserved only for me. It was the kind of small that said 'I'm pretending to be nice and that I like you so that I don't lose my flawless reputation but inside, I'm mentally watching you go up in flames'. I liked to think that if she ever actually decided to hurt me in any way, she'd set me on fire. That kind of act just really seemed to echo her entire existence. On top of that, her brown eyes usually flashed a blazing red whenever she saw me. I liked that; it meant I had the upper hand.

"Hey, hey Thora, think you could ask Cal not to wear that hideous jumper to school anymore? I can't convince him."

Thora scoffed but quickly turned it into a cough when a couple of kids perked up, eavesdropping on our conversation. God, even her fake cough was annoying.

"What's the problem with it? I think it suits him just lovely..."

I had to stop myself from gagging at her sickly sweet voice and her even sweeter defence of Calum. I looked across at him. His jumper seriously was the ugliest thing I'd ever laid my eyes on; baby blue, fluffy, with a huge weird blob knitted on to the front. He argued that it was Squirtle from Pokémon but to me it was just a blob. He still looked good in it though. He could look good wearing a dead turkey, and everyone knew it, including Cal himself.

He was leaning back on his chair, excitedly showing his friends how he could balance two pencils on his nose at the same time. Wow, such talent...

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