What's it Gonna be?

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I wake up with Calum's arse in my face, Josh's head cutting of the circulation in my ankles, Ross's back pressed against mine, and with Eloise lying flat on top of me, her arms woven around my stomach like a koala. This is why you should always book a hotel room instead of sleeping in the only room that the band already has to share. I raise my head slightly to glance around the room, giving Cal's bum a shove and hoping to god that he hadn't farted on me during the night. Or the morning. I'm not enritely sure when we actually got to bed. I remember going out to a restaurant with Ross to meet up with everybody else. I remember Josh buying everyone way too many drinks and Pete making me do a few rounds of shots. I don't remember how Eloise got a butterfly painted on her face. At least I hope it's paint.


I nearly shoot of the bed in shock, thumping Eloise in the nose and making her groan and roll away from me. Adam grins at me apologetically before untangling himself from Cal and standing up bewteen everybodies limbs on the bed. I scowl angrily at him for nearly scaring me to death but it's hard to stay mad at him when he looks so happy. He holds his hand out and pulls me up, helping me climb over Josh and Ross until we both land on the ground and silently slip out the door. We walk for a few moments in comfortable silence, only breaking it once we're off the elevator and out the swinging doors of the hotel. For Christmas Eve, it's quite lovely outside. Fucking freezing all right, but the sun is shining and the air is crisp and fresh.

"We should do this again," Adam says, and I'm not exactly sure what he means.

"Like, run away from home, you guys follow me and party hard with The Strypes?"

He laughs. "God, no. I mean you, El, Cal and me should all go away somehwere. You know, have a little adventure or something."

I simply nod in reply because I'm suddenly hit with the scary realisation that we're almost near the end now. There's only five months of school left and then exams and then what? We'll go to uni or get jobs or emigrate. One thing I know for sure is that none of us is going to stick around in scummy old Bristol. There's too much life outside. I scuff the gravelly drive of the hotel's carpark with the heel of my socked foot and sigh audibly, linking my arm with Adam's and burying my head into the crevice between his neck and shoulder blade.

"I still can't believe you thought I was in love with you," Adam says, the slightest sound of a smirk buried in his voice.

"I still can't believe you're gay," I reply, and Adam laughs and shoves me away.

"Yeah, whatever, Stella."

"I'm happy for you."

Adam smiles at this, a slight blush blossoming across his cheeks. "Me too."

I don't say goodbye to Ross, or any of the lads for that matter. We have no idea when we're going to see eachother again and to be completely honest, I'd rather keep it that way. It'll be a surprise. Maybe one day he'll show up at my door and we can elope to Ireland together and we can get married by the-

"Shut up Stella! Jesus Christ, what happened to you? You've turned into a total ponce!"

I slap my younger brother upside the head for interrupting my beautiful and passionate soliloquy, ignoring Mum's protests to leave him alone.

"You wouldn't understand, you little twat! You've never been in love."

"Yeah and I never want to be if all it does is turn you into a pussy!"

"The two of ye are fucking useless! Has neither of you bothered to set the table yet? Your grandmother will have a fit!" Dad yells, drowning out Mum's protests in an attempt to stop us cursing eachother.

"Who's coming? Nana or the Queen?" Toby rolls his eyes dramatically and I roll around the floor laughing. Man, I've taught him well.

I control my laughter enough to push myself up with my elbows, catching Mum and Dad trying to stiffle their own sniggers from where they're standing in the doorway, Mum's gaze darting anxiously across the mess we've made opening presents. I catch her eye and she smiles at me warmly before telling us all to get on with it. It wasn't as painful as I thought it was going to be when I arrived home. I didn't get any lectures from Mum or Dad, although Toby did give me a few. Instead, we chatted. About everything. All this mess that's been going on, in and out of my head. They didn't pressure me to tell them anything. All they asked was that I'd be open from now on, that I'd let them know if I was struggling. Toby told me that if I ever left like that again, he'd disown me. Fair enough, I'd said.

"What time are Eloise and her Dad arriving, Stella?"

"Half twelvish."

"Well, we better get a move on!"

I'm actually about to obey my mother for once when my phone buzzes and I reach for it a bit too eagerly. Toby sends me a look of disdain before turning his attention back to the TV.

It's Ross. I knew it.

Ross: For fuck sake, absolutely no snow here at all!

We parted ways for what might've been the last time and that's the first thing he says to me? I laugh and consider not even texting him back but self-restraint has never really been my thing. I miss him already.

Stella: You don't deserve a white Christmas mate

Ross: Now that was a bit uncalled for :/

Stella: You're a bit uncalled for :/

Ross: That was pathetic...

Ross: Have I not taught you anything at all?

Ross: ok fine then, don't bother answering

Ross: ...

Ross: Stella

Ross: Stella!

Ross: I miss you.

Ross: You know, just in case you were wondering

Stella: I miss u2

Ross: Same, they've gone down hill the past few years haven't they?

Stella: not U2 you prick

Ross: I know hahahah

Ross: Sorry

Ross: When's your birthday?

Stella: 20 February

Ross: Great, got a you and Peter a joint present so

Ross: Booked a Strypes gig the end of Feb

Ross: In Bristol!!

Ross: ??

Ross: are you happy?

Stella: it's just I don't want to have to see you again so soon

Ross: fuck you

Stella: haha you wish

Stella: I'm very very very happy

Ross: Good me too

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