Chapter 2••••Alternate Form of Payment

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"Hey, Pip," Danielle said opening the door to the boy's room. Her eyes immediately fell on the mess Lip had on his boxer.

"Ellie!" Lip yelled trying to cover himself.

"Looks like you got a little something there" Danielle laughed.

"Can you just please shut the door at least," Lip said. She shut the door turning back to see a flustered Lip.

"So I thought you were tutoring?" she asked sitting down on Ian's bed.

"I was," Lip said, "One thing just led to another and Karen wanted to repay me in a different way."

"Karen Jackson?" Danielle asked as she sat up on the bed. Lip was standing with his back to the girl as he pulled on a new pair of boxers.

"Lip you in there?" Fiona yelled opening the door, "Can I borrow your deodorant?"

"I've been using Ian's," Lip said.

"I have some in my bag right there," Danielle said.

"You're a lifesaver, Dani," Fiona said grabbing the bag, "Oh if I stick this laundry in the washer before I go can you keep an eye on it?" Danielle couldn't help but snicker when she saw the pair of underwear at the top of the bag.

"I'll do that tomorrow," Lip said grabbing the bag.

"It stinks in here," Fiona scrunched her nose.

"Fiona!" Veronica yelled, "We need to go if we're going to get a ride to the club." She walked over trying to pull the tag off the dress Fiona was wearing.

"No. This has to go back tomorrow!" Fiona said.

"I'll put it back on later. I have a tag gun at home," Veronica said.

"I might need to borrow that," Danielle mumbled.

"It's from when I worked at T.J. Maxx," Veronica said, "Let's go."

"Hotdogs downstairs," Fiona yelled as she left the room, "Nachos too!"

"Have fun!"

"Be safe!" Danielle yelled. Lip shut the door as he grabbed the cum stained underwear. He pulled forward the chest of draw trying to hide them behind.

"Eww, why don't you just wash those?" Danielle asked.

"Shut up," Lip said, "What are you doing here anyway?"

"I told Fiona I'd watch Liam tonight," Danielle said, "Grumpy."

"Sorry," Lip said bending down to pick something up that fell from behind the piece of furniture. Danielle's eyes fell on a Manila folder that had pictures of naked women pasted all over it.

"Eww I already saw your cum underwear today," Danielle gagged, "I don't want to see your porn collection too."

"This isn't mine," Lip said sitting on the bed next to her. She glanced over as he opened up the folder. Her jaw dropped as she saw pictures of naked men inside. She and Lip looked at one another.

"Hey, Veronica," Ian's voice could be heard from the other side of the door. Lip quickly got off Ian's bed jumping onto his.

"Hey," Ian said walking into the room.

"Hey," Lip nodded.

"What's up, Dani?" Ian asked.

"Nothing," Danielle said as silence fell over the room, "I'm gonna go get Liam."


Danielle laid Liam down as she heard laughing downstairs. Fiona and Veronica must have made it back early. Usually, when they went out clubbing they were gone half the night. She walked out of the room with Debbie as Lip and Carl exited their room.

Ellie •••• Lip GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now