Chapter 9••••Wedding Bells

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Danielle walked down the stairs as she held her head. A lot happened last night. A lot. She thought she was going to throw up this morning when she remembered what happened last night with Lip. Not because she regretted what happened, because she was worried he'd regret it. "I'm the maid of honor at your fake wedding and I didn't even know you had a brother."

"Wait you have a brother?" Danielle asked as she saw V pacing the living room.

"There's a reason for that," Kevin said.

"He busted out of prison?" Fiona questioned.

"Last night."

"Nice face Kev," Danielle laughed as she sat down in a chair.

"Thanks. Wild night," Kevin said.

"What was he in for?" Fiona asked.

"Aggravated assault, larceny, and arson," Veronica said.

"Arson?" Lip questioned walking down the stairs, "Who you talking about?"

"V's brother," Fiona responded.

"Oh is that like a sibling brother or just a black-guy brother?"

"Remember the fire at Curves in the mall? That was him," Veronica said, "He loves setting fires to things and he hates women. It was the perfect storm."

"He's nuts," Kevin said. Danielle moved her feet so that Lip could sit down. "Serious, he's nuts. He came at me. I had to fight my ass off. Then one time I'm having a brew, he came up to me all 'Ass cunt fuck' on me."

"Is he retarded?" Fiona asked.

"I wish," Veronica said as she finished putting her clothes back on, "Tourette's coupled with bipolar disorder and a drinking problem. He's a shrinks wet dream."

"So what are you gonna do?" Danielle asked.

"Kick his ass back to prison," Veronica said, "If there's one person you can always count on to fuck things up, it's Marty."


Danielle walked through the door of the Alibi Room where Veronica and Kevin's wedding was being held. She almost didn't think she was going to make it. Her mom was a drunk mess when she got home. Jack and her had broken up again and all she was doing was crying. "Ellie," Lip said, "I was wondering when you were gonna show up."

"Yeah my mom was a mess when I got home," Danielle said unzipping her coat and pushing it off her shoulders. She looked up at Lip staring at her with his mouth dropped open. "What is something wrong?"

"No. No," Lip shook his head, "You look amazing."

"Pip you don't need to flatter me," Danielle laughed.

"I'm being serious Ellie," Lip said, "You look absolutely beautiful."

"Well thank you," Danielle smiled. Her mind immediately went to last night when Lip called her beautiful.

"Are you ready to go up there?" Lip asked.

"Yes," she nodded. They both walked up taking their spots next to Kevin and Veronica.

"May daily problems never cause you undue anxiety nor the desire for earthly possessions dominate your lives," the priest said, "But may your heart's first desire be always the good things waiting for you in the life of heaven. Amen."

Ellie •••• Lip GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now