Chapter 10••••Parent-Teacher Conference

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"So you guys going to the parent-teacher conference?" Karen asked from her spot in the windowsill.

"No," Lip laughed.

"Need a parent for that, don't you?" Ian asked.

"My mom can barely get off the couch to keep her job," Danielle said, "She definitely won't be doing that for parent-teacher conferences."

"Hey, Louise got an A on the paper you wrote for her English class," Karen smiled, "How do you keep doing that?"

"Well to master the art of the book report you just take any novel, no matter when it was written, and you argue that the main character is a latent homosexual," Lip explained making Ian laugh, "No, seriously, seriously. Now most English teachers are either gay and agree or they're straight but too scared to disagree and get labeled as intolerant."

"You're ridiculous," Danielle laughed as she rolled her eyes.

"Eighteen seventy!" a guy yelled walking into the bathroom. He pulled Lip into a hug. "Thanks, man. Appreciate it."

"Perfect for the Big Ten," Lip smiled, "Happy to help."

"You more than helped," he said, "Now I'll definitely be a beer-swilling, roofie-slipping, Fighting Illini next year." Danielle couldn't help but go wide-eyed at the second comment.

"All right," Lip said.

"Awesome," Karen commented.

"What happened, Tire?" Lip asked, "Not satisfied with your results?"

"Haven't come back yet," the man answered.

"Any day now," Ian nodded.

"I better not look stupid."

"Impossible," Lip said.

"Hey listen, there's one last testing session this year," Ian said, "So tell your friends."

"Don't tell me what to do," the man said grumpily as he walked out of the door.

"He seems fun," Danielle smiled.

"Why do we help the people we hate?" Karen asked.

"I believe we're just taking our cue from American foreign policy," Lip said.

"I gotta get to class," Danielle said grabbing her bag, "I'll see you guys later."


"Hey sorry I'm late," Lip said walking up the stairs to the school.

"It's okay. I brought you a shirt," Fiona said giving him the shirt, "Okay now listen up. We are going to stand untitled and show them we are a family that is thriving. You got it?"

"What are you doing here?" Lip asked looking at Danielle.

"Thought you guys might need the support," Danielle shrugged, "Plus I thought I'd keep an eye on the kids while you and Fiona were in the meeting."

"Thanks for coming," Lip smiled.

"Anytime," Danielle said, "How'd your test go?"

"We'll talk about it later," Lip said.

Danielle sat with Carl and Debbie as Lip and Fiona were in their meeting. She looked up to see Steve walking in wearing a suit. "Steve?"

"Are they still in there?" Steve asked.

"Yeah. I don't know how it's going," Danielle said.

Ellie •••• Lip GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now