Chapter 7••••The Plan

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"All right Carl, you know that payphone outside the Kash and Grab?" Lip asked.


"I want you to get on your bike, go to the pay phone and call the police," Lip said, "Tell them that you saw the little boy walking down Southport Avenue at 2:45. Okay?"

"Why should I?"

"You wanna be in a children's home until your 18?" Ian asked.

"Group home on Union has a climbing wall," Carl shrugged.

"Carl!" Fiona said as Veronica smacked him in the back of the head.

"Ugh, I don't have a bike!"

"Wire cutters in the junk drawer," Ian said.

"Steve, Fiona, you guys gotta get Debs to take that kid back," Lip said.

"I don't know that I can make that happen," Fiona admitted.

"Fiona you have to or we're all fucked," Lip stressed.


"Veronica, I need you to go to the cleaners, ask Mrs. Bergodll to use the phone in the back," Lip explained.

"That woman's a cold bitch," Veronica said.

"I've got something for that," Lip said, "Don't worry."

"What am I supposed to do?" Danielle asked.

"You and I are going to Connie's Pizza," Lip said, "We gotta break the phone."


"Kev what time do you go to work today?" Lip asked.

"I go in at 6."

"You're going in early," Lip said, "Tell them you saw a little boy in a Superman costume walking down Grand Avenue. Everyone get your shit together. We gotta leave soon."

"This gonna work?" Danielle asked as everyone separated.

"It better," Lip said walking into the kitchen.

"Did you bring in the water heater from the porch?" Ian asked walking back inside the house.

"No," Lip said.

"Well, it's not on the porch."

"Seriously?" Lip huffed walking out of the door, "Bunch of fucking animals."

"Damn. I worked hard for that thing," Danielle grumped.

"Steve, Debbie, Liam, we gotta go," Lip said, "Fiona, you got Casey."

Danielle held Liam on her hip as she walked beside Lip and Debbie. "Why can't I just take Casey back now?

"We can't let anyone see you leaving our house with Casey," Lip explained, "Fiona is going to take Casey to the rendezvous spot. She'll give him to you and then you'll take him back to his house from there. Otherwise, the plan won't work."

"Fiona will go to Sheila's to make sure she has an alibi," Danielle said.

"I don't think I can do this," Debbie said.

"You'll do great Debs," Danielle encouraged.

"Just don't fuck it up," Lip said earning a smack from Danielle.

They dropped Debbie and Liam off and made their way toward Sheila's house. "God I hope this works," Lip whispered.

"It's gonna work," Danielle said grabbing ahold of the boy's hand. They waited until they spotted Debbie walking down the road. Soon the crowd of people swarmed around the girl and little boy. They both let out a deep breath as they walked toward the crowd. Danielle's eyes grew wide as money was thrown at Debbie. Of course, Frank got down on the ground trying to pick it all up.

"That's Debbie's," Lip said standing in front of his dad.

"I know. I'm just helping her." Ian placed his foot on top of Frank's hand pinning it to the ground, "That's my hand."

Lips proceeded to put his foot on top of Frank's other hand. "All right. I'm your father.

"You ready to head home?" Danielle asked looking at Lip.

"Umm, I actually made plans to hang out with Karen," Lip said.

"Oh, yeah, right. I forgot," Danielle said.

"I'll see you later though yeah?" Lip asked.

"Yeah," Danielle smiled. As soon as the boy turned around to leave her smile dropped.

"I'll walk home with you," Ian said from behind the girl. Danielle turned around to look at him. "I mean I'm not Lip but I think I make a just as good company."

Danielle couldn't help but laugh to herself and she walked toward Ian. The boy threw his arm around the girl's shoulder. Even though she was older than him he was taller than her.

"You know I think you're a really great person," Ian said as they walked down the sidewalk.

"Okay, where did that come from?" Danielle asked.

"Nowhere," Ian shrugged, "I've just always thought it but never told you."

"Well thanks," Danielle said, "I think you're pretty great too."

"Any guy would be lucky to have you as their girlfriend," Ian continued, "I mean I'd date you." Danielle couldn't help but laugh. "What's so funny?"

"Ian I know you're gay," Danielle said.

"What?" Ian asked.

"I was with Lip when he found your stash of photos," Danielle said.

"You've known for that long? Why didn't you say anything?" Ian asked.

"I thought you'd tell me on your own time," Danielle said, "I wasn't just going to come out and tell you I knew."

"Huh," Ian hummed.

"Doesn't make me feel any different about you than I did before," Danielle smiled.

"Well thanks," Ian smiled. Danielle's smile was soon replaced by a sullen look as she thought about Lip and Karen.

"Can I ask you something?" Danielle asked.


"Do you think Karen really likes Lip?" Danielle asked, "Or do you think she's just messing with him?"

"I honestly don't know," Ian admitted, "I know she's still messing around with other people."

"Do you think he really likes her?" Danielle asked.

"I think he thinks he does," Ian said, "Why do you ask?"

"No reason," Danielle shook her head.

"You wouldn't be asking if there weren't a reason," Ian said. Danielle sighed looking down at the ground as she walked. "Come on. You know the biggest secret about me. I'm not gonna tell anybody."

"I don't really know," Danielle admitted, "Lip being with any other girl has never bothered me. I don't know what it is about Karen that's different."

"I do," Ian said.

"Oh really? What is it?" Danielle asked.

"You like Lip," Ian said making Danielle laugh.

"I do not like Lip," she argued.

"Why else would you feel the way you do about Karen?" Ian asked, "You said it yourself, you've never felt this way before about Lip and another girl."

"I can't like Lip," Danielle said, "He's my best friend."

"Maybe that's why you like him," Ian said, "There's something about spending your whole life together and knowing everything about one another that screams perfect love match."

"I don't know," Danielle shook her head, "I like our friendship the way it is. Everything is easy with Lip. I don't want to mess that up."

"Somethings in life are meant to be messed up," Ian said, "Sometimes there are greater things than what we think we have now."

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