Chapter 16 - A Silent and Sincere Wish

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He dashed out of the club, avoiding Mustafa's voice from behind, only to discover that they had already left. Zolton clenched his teeth and kept his eyes on the departing cars. While cussing out a few curses, he punched a nearby wall as Mustafa advanced toward him and stood next to him in shock.

"What do you want, Young Lord?"

But he didn't stop and threw some more punches as his man's tone quivered.

"She was that woman," Zolton turned around and upon witnessing his bloodshot eyes, a shiver ran down Mustafa's spine.

"Who, Young Lord?"

"Her, she was her, I am sure of it, those slim legs."

Zolton spoke about her while recalling her handkerchief. The flashes of memory from that day in the woods, when he first saw Sonia, lit up his dark eyes.

Mustafa's eyes narrowed, he was beyond startled to witness Zolton's behavior which was so unlike him.

"What do you want from her, Young Lord?"

To hear his direct query, Zolton remained silent for a minute as he remembered how his enemy's son had her encased in his arms some time ago. He pressed his brows together before gazing at Mustafa.

"I want to see her face."

"Are you attracted to her?"

His lips curled up while Mustafa appeared suspicious. Zolton let out a sigh as he had calmed down, his hands were inside his pockets as he glanced ahead at the road.

"I haven't even seen her or met her, Mustafa and you are asking me whether I'm attracted to her?"

"Forgive me, Zolton but your actions say otherwise and I have never before seen you this restless for a woman."

"Don't worry. I won't do anything that would go against grandma's wishes."

While thinking about the birthmark on her left leg, he said.


"Ezra, I'm telling you for the last time, don't touch her."

Kairo's tone was raging. As soon as she stepped out of the car, Ezra got out of his car in a hurry, reached her, and grasped her hand while Sonia appeared to be lost in thought. Ezra's eyes were fixed on her but the fact that she was openly ignoring him, made him angrier.


Kairo was about to hit him but Sonia prevented him by holding his fist in mid-air.

"No need to start a fight here, Kai."

She then moved her gaze toward Ezra and spoke in a calm manner.

"You are in serious need of mental help, Ezra Romani. Let go of my hand This Instant! Or else I'll scream so loud that it will wake up not only your entire family but also your enemy's family who lives on the other side of the town."

Ezra froze upon hearing her words and witnessing her smirk. When Kairo removed Ezra's hold from her wrist he let him.

"Silence looks good on you."

Sonia commented still smirking at him before she and Kairo walked in, they heard Ezra speak.

"We will talk about this later."

Sonia entered her room and locked the door. As she placed her hand over her chest, she could feel the racing of her heart. She stood in front of the mirror, staring at her reflection, and sighed, the images of the attractive stranger still stuck in her memory. She licked her lips passionately and tipped her face.

"Wow, pure excellence, wasn't he?"

She murmured to herself.

"God's perfect creation"

She let out a smile thinking about the man as her hand went down toward her lady part, automatically.


As she slipped her finger inside her vagina after sliding her underwear, a little gasp escaped her lips. She knew why she was moist and slick down there. She closed her eyes and started to enjoy herself, thinking solely of him, the stranger, the beautiful stranger she saw at the club.

"Ohh umm"

It didn't take Sonia long to let herself go all over her fingers because she was so incredibly hot. She moved up to the open window, wiping the sweat from her forehead and taking deep breaths.

Her recent climax gave her the clarity to focus. Her fists balled up and she let out a long sigh, looking serious as she remembered Raya's comment about him having a fiance.

Still, her soul made a silent yet sincere wish when a shooting star fell upon her gaze.

"I wish he was mine."

Her lips uttered without her realizing what she had just wished for. If only she knew that the same man, on the opposite side of town, also observed the shooting star while standing on the balcony and sniffing her handkerchief. Zolton did not wish directly, but he did think about the woman who was on his mind, her lovely legs in particular.

The following morning, Sonia emerged from the washroom, smiling. She was deciding what to wear while humming a song when there was a knock on the door. When she opened it she discovered the same maid from earlier.

"Hi, I remember you."

As soon as the maid's eyes fell on Sonia's towel-clad figure, she gasped before turning around and concealing her eyes.

"Madam, you are, you are not wearing any clothes."

Sonia frowned to hear her.

"Well, I was about to."

"Please put on something, madam."

She rolled her eyes and immediately changed into a white tee and jeans.

"You can turn around now, shy weirdo."

"Thank you, madam. You have been summoned to the Big Master's home office, immediately."

"Summon what?"

Sonia let out a chuckle while the maid stood there dumbfounded.

"You mean I have been called by Mr. Danyal Romani to his study right?"

"Yes Madam"

"Okay, let's go, Ilaria."

Sonia responded to her after reading her name tag, however, she could feel something was off as she began to follow Ilaria. 

As she walked past the Young Master's room, her eyes rolled on her own accord thinking about Ezra and the way he tried to manhandle her the previous night which was unnecessary not that she committed a sin. 

The property of the Romanis was a huge area, and they had to pass through an open space in order to reach the Big Master's study, which was located some distance from the main mansion. Her stomach rumbled due to hunger as Sonia let out a sigh, clutching her stomach.

"Big Master is waiting for you inside, Madam."

Ilaria spoke before stopping in front of another building. She was about to walk away but halted hearing Sonia's question, who was staring ahead with a furrowed look.

"Say, what kind of a person is Mr. Danyal Romani?"

Sonia noticed the maid's frozen figure.

"Please go inside, madam."

Ilaria said before scurrying away from the place, surprising Sonia.

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