Familiar || Gwen Stacy

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"Let's fly away and roam through the world that is slowly burning in the flames"

-XXI Century Blood, The Warning

In the months that Gwen Stacy had spent shouldering the responsibility of using her powers to protect the people of New York, there had been one thing in particular that she'd learned-something that made this high-stakes hobby of hers infinitely more enjoyable than it had been when she'd first taken it up.

And that was that nothing beat the web-swinging.

Gwen would pull herself forward, the momentum propelling herself between the skyscrapers of New York, then she'd hold her breath as she let herself go weightless, the thrill of sailing through the air and letting her arms and legs go limp and follow her movements bringing a grin to her face-it was like an extended version of those stunts she did in ballet when she was little. The similar feel this experience held to her memories of ballet practice had been the driving force behind her decision to wear a set of mint-green ballet shoes as part of her outfit-it just made Gwen feel far more comfortable and lithe as she swung around New York, and helped her keep an emphasis on grace and fluidity wherever she went.

Nothing that she'd ever experienced had come close to this special way of getting around town, and Gwen was convinced that nothing ever would. As she came flying around the corner of a building, she let out a joyous shout, her voice reaching the streets below and causing the citizens of New York City to point up and cheer-their nameless hero was on her way to save the day again. On days like today, where she had been fretting about so many different things at once, the swing to the crime scene was ten times as satisfying.

With the wind buffeting at her suit, Gwen plunged towards the ground again, then slung a web and pulled herself upwards, repeating the process and letting herself spin and contort with grace as she hurled through the air. 

Yeah, today was especially enjoyable... all of Gwen's problems felt like they were light-years away, and certainly couldn't reach her now. Wanting to taste just a bit more of this thrilling experience, Gwen let herself sail a little higher, and pulled away her mask once she was safely out of the sight of the people below. With her eyes wide open, she felt the wind racing through her hair as she sailed towards the ground, letting out a gleeful laugh as she let herself fully soak in the absolute thrill and adventure of the descent towards the ground. Gwen let herself twirl, her blonde hair whipping around her face as she continued to fall... then she quickly pulled her mask back over her face, flicking her wrist to launch another web at a building. She swung forwards, launching forward yet again and flipping end over end as she grew closer to the source of the police sirens.

Soon, the police cars came into view-they were surrounding a bank. Oh boy... another hostage situation. The past few months had made Gwen pretty familiar with how these things usually played out... some people just never learned, did they?

Gwen yanked herself upwards, stopping the forward momentum as she began to sling webs to bring herself downwards, growing closer and closer until she stuck her landing on the hood of a police car, making several officers jump and reach for their handguns. "Whoa, whoa, hold up... your hands are already full enough as it is." Gwen greeted them, holding up her hands as the officers all exhaled in relief.

"Another robbery/hostage combo, I'm guessing...?" Gwen asked, and one of the officers nodded. 

"There's about thirty hostages in there, but we don't know exactly how many crooks are holed up with them." The officer informed Gwen, looking among her peers. "Someone get Captain Stacy, tell him that the Spider is here..."

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