Recognition || Gwen Stacy

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"Don't the best of them bleed it out, while the rest of them peter out"

-My Hero, the Foo Fighters

Citizens passing through the streets of New York all looked up in unison as something flew through the air above them-the resident superhero, twirling gracefully in mid-air before slinging another web and pulling herself through the city. Children stopped and pointed, cabs came to a halt, and everyone with a phone in their hand lifted it to take a quick video or snap a photo as Gwen Stacy began to catch up to the line of police cars flying down the road.

Once she was close enough, she flicked her wrist forward, hitting the button on her web-shooters to launch a stream of webbing at one of the police cars. Gwen pulled herself forward, sticking the landing on the hood of the car and crawling towards the driver's side. 

"Don't worry, backup's here!" Gwen greeted, making the officer driving the vehicle jump in surprise-thank goodness it was Officer Davis. Not all of them were willing to play along with her antics. 

"Watch yourself!! We're going through a lot of traffic." Officer Davis warned her, being sure to give her some space as they continued moving forward. 

"So, what's our side quest for today?" Gwen asked, a playful tone in her voice as they continued to fly past the oncoming traffic. "Drug deal gone wrong? Collapsing building? Don't tell me it's another robbery-" 

"Oh, you're not going to believe this one, I didn't when they told me." Officer Davis told his masked comrade, his eyes still looking perplexed. "Captain Stacy tells me we're going up against a real-life dinosaur today."

That thing from Central Park?? Gwen thought to herself. She'd been wondering when it would turn up again... she had no idea exactly what it was or where it came from, but she didn't need that information to know that it wasn't safe for the people of New York to be around. 

"You mean that giant lizard? Yeah, I've tangled with it once." Gwen mused, putting her hands behind her head as she hung off the roof of the police cruiser. "It was pretty quick despite its size, it was making me work to keep up with it-" 

"Car." Officer Davis said quickly, and Gwen instinctively flexed her abdomen to sit up, feeling an oncoming car whoosh through the space where her head had just been.

She leaned over again, making sure there were no more vehicles up ahead before continuing the conversation. "You've got any other information on this thing other than it's big?" Gwen asked, and Officer Davis shook his head. 

"Just where it's headed-Madison Square Garden." He answered, and Gwen pumped her fist in response. 

"Open space... more room for me to deal some damage."

As Gwen looked up, she finally caught sight of the giant lizard-they were nearing Madison Square Garden, and the monster was racing towards the arena at full-speed. It lowered its head, plowing through a wall before turning a corner and disappearing from sight. 

"You sure you can take that thing on?" Officer Davis asked, and Gwen chuckled. 

"Dinosaurs all died out way before spiders ever will. I like my odds." She told him, holding on until the cruiser parked in front of the arena.

Gwen did a backflip, landing on her feet as more police cruisers pulled up by her. A particular figure caught her attention-her dad, looking about as stressed as he'd been in a long time as he stepped out of his cruiser, walking over to the vigilante that he had no idea was his daughter.

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