Remarkable || Gwen Stacy

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"I hide in my music, forget the day, and dream of a girl I used to know"

-More Than a Feeling, Boston

Gwen practically collapsed into her seat, her face flopping onto her classroom desk as she let out a weak groan. Her eyes had dark circles under them, indicative of the restless night she'd endured after last night's events. As she ran her fingers through her locks of hair, she took a deep breath, willing herself to sit upright in her seat as her classmates took their seats around her.

No slacking off today... Gwen told herself, weakly pulling out her binder and notes. ...Connors is resuming in-person activities.

Already she could hear chatter rising among her classmates pertaining to the class going back to normal... or about as 'back to normal' as things would get when your teacher returns from having their arm amputated. Gwen rubbed her eyes, struggling to keep her head lifted up. Normally she would be really excited for Dr. Connors to be back, but now there was something else for her to worry about- a giant freaking lizard roaming around Central Park. It was unlikely that the NYPD would believe it without seeing it, so it seemed that Gwen would have to take that thing down on her own. Who knows? Maybe the animal shelter will take it in. She smiled to herself softly, trying to picture a giant lizard sitting amongst a crowd of fluffy dogs and cats. 

The exhaustion began to bear down on her again, making Gwen wince and lower her head, feeling her blonde locks pour over her shoulders as she pressed her palms to her temples. This already stressful season of life was only getting worse, and there seemed to be no reprieve in sight.

"Don't tell me that you didn't study too."

The familiar voice pulled Gwen from her internal worrying, and she looked to the side. Owen Octavius was easing into his seat, taking note of Gwen's sleep-deprived state. "Because if even Gwen Stacy doesn't have the willpower to study, then we should all be excused for not knowing whatever it is we're about to talk about."

His comment made her snicker softly, brushing her hair back into place as she adjusted her jacket. "No, I was able to read what he assigned." Gwen responded, her voice having a slight rasp to it as she held a hand up, hiding her mouth as she yawned. "It's really interesting, actually... you know, how the... the thing does..."

Owen smirked gently at her, an act that made Gwen wake up just a little more. Attentiveness began to return to her brilliant blue eyes, and the hollow feeling that had consumed her this morning began to be replaced by a happy spark in her chest. "You have no idea what we're going to be talking about, do you?" Owen guessed, and Gwen groaned, catching her head in her hands before nodding. 

"Not right now... I've got some notes, I'm sure I'll remember some stuff eventually... it's tough to remember all that reading after not getting any sleep."

Gwen looked down at her notes, able to vaguely remember writing them down, but having no memory of what exactly they were supposed to be about. Something felt off... she looked up, noticing Owen still looking at her curiously. "Something on my face?" Gwen asked, and he shook his head quickly. 

"No!! Just... I don't know, you're usually happy to be here." 

"But I am happy to be here." Gwen insisted, but Owen looked like he didn't believe her one bit. 

"You look like you need a nap badly. I would normally suggest reading our textbooks to lull you to sleep, but I figure that'll just make you excited and keep you up longer."

The teasing made Gwen snort, a smile flashing on her face as she looked back at her notes. This was not helping her raging internal debates over whether or not she was falling for two boys at the same time-both Owen and Miles made Gwen feel distinctly different ways, but they were both feelings that she enjoyed. Was it actually possible that there were simply two good options available to her?

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