Happy, not Obsessed || Gwen Stacy

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"Ever wonder if it's all for you?"

-Can't Stop, the Red Hot Chili Peppers

The harmony of multiple instruments reverberated through Felicia Hardy's garage, making Gwen smile to herself as the Mary Janes continued practicing one of their songs. Her wrists flicked rapidly as she did a roll on the snare drum, then went back into the rhythmic groove of this tune, which was rather slow by their standards. But it was still fun to play it with her friends nonetheless-all of the songs were a blast in their own unique ways.

As Gwen let her eyes drift shut, working the drums through muscle memory, her friends both looked over, noticing how enthusiastic and comfortable she seemed-more so than Gwen had been in a while. It had been no secret to MJ and Felicia that something about Gwen had been off ever since that news about Dr. Connors's injury had broke, but today it seemed as if Gwen was back in her normal groove. The blonde was in rhythm with her bandmates, slipping in tricks and fills with her drum kit where she could, and holding a smile the whole time. As the song finally wrapped up, Gwen's drumsticks clashed against the cymbals, ending the song on a fiery note as she flipped her hair back, laughing with enthusiasm as she looked up at MJ and Felicia.

"I think we've found one song to play at prom." Gwen suggested with a smile, stray strands of hair blocking her vision as her friends glanced at each other again, then began to smirk. "What?" Gwen asked, setting her drumsticks on the snare drum. "I've seen that look before, and it usually doesn't bode well for me." 

"Oh, nothing..." MJ said flippantly, setting her bass guitar on its stand. "...It's just, you know... you've been really down lately, and now you're up and at 'em out of nowhere." 

"If I know Gwen Stacy well-and I assure you that I do..." Felicia added, trailing off as she walked to the drum kit. "...Then I would guess that someone has been occupying your mind today."

Gwen frowned at first, taking a moment to catch onto what Felicia was suggesting. But when it clicked, she furrowed her brow and tilted her head. "Uh... no." She said quickly, laughing nervously and brushing the strands of hair from her eyes. "Believe me, if I had been thinking about someone, I would've told you." 

"Ohhhh, I see." MJ crooned, turning to Felicia. "It's one of those where she doesn't know that she's head over heels for someone." 

"I can see it." Felicia agreed, folding her arms and eyeing Gwen. "She's still in that first stage of 'Denial.' Pretty soon she'll move into 'Fantasizing the Romance,' and then onwards to-" 

"You two are really reading too much into this." Gwen told them, trying to put on a smile to throw them off whatever scent they were following, but her friends just shook their heads at her. 

"Ah, but there is something to read into, is there, Gwen?" MJ suggested, and Gwen groaned in frustration.

Had she appreciated what Owen Ocatvius had said earlier? Yes. Did that mean she had a crush on him? Absolutely no-

"Again, I must warn you..." Felicia spoke, lowering her tone as she trailed a finger along one of the drumkit's cymbals. "...If you're having second thoughts about Peter, then you'd better tell him now-" 

"Pete's all yours." Gwen chuckled, tapping her friend's finger with her drumstick. "Though he's probably not ready to handle you. He's got to be the most naive guy I've ever met." 

"Well whether it's Peter or not, it is someone." MJ spoke up, walking to where she stood beside Felicia. "And that makes us happy for you."

"Ugh, enough with the mushy stuff." Gwen chuckled, her face warming up as her friends once again lavished their kindness onto her. 

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