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- Chapter Nine -
"You think you're all heroes. That you're righteous."


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"I don't know."

"Where did he come from?"

"I don't know."


"I don't know!" Remus seethed, his fist rising and falling against the oak table in a frustrated thud. The table quaked with the force of his punch and several members of the Order ripped their hands away from said table in fear of the shaking wood that Remus had caused.

For a moment, he hesitated as he looked around at all the shocked faces of the Order members, now including the children who had wormed their way in at some point; everyone had been too frozen and shocked to spot them. Remus huffed and ran a hand through his hair, getting stringy with a nervous sweat as the table interrogated him to no end.

How Sebastian was there, what he had said, what he had done, how it had happened. It was all too much, especially considering Remus had no idea how to answer everybody. There was confusion from the people that hadn't known Elladora, unintelligible stuttering from the people that had and Remus was feeling every little stressful thing prick at the edge of his nerves, rendering him restless and angry.

"I don't know how it happened, I don't know anything about him except that he doesn't remember he died, let alone the 12 years of the world that he missed!" Remus exclaimed around at the table, his eyes narrowed in anger. Professor McGonagall had her hand over her wrinkled mouth, looking down at the oak below her. "He...wanted to see Dumbledore..."

"How did you find him?" Professor McGonagall asked shakily, her wrinkled face still pale and her hands trembling slightly as she spoke to Remus. A question he could answer. "How did he-"

"I was visiting her." Remus said lowly, glancing up around the table at Sirius. Sirius had been silent for the majority of the conversation, almost as shaken as Professor McGonagall. "And he was there. I didn't know who it was- I thought it was just some stranger. Some freak."

"Visiting who?" Harry asked, his eyebrows pulled together in confusion. The younger members of the Order had been sat at the other end of the table, listening in but not understanding. They didn't crowd Remus for answers, because they didn't even have the most basic one.

"Harry." Hermione said his name quietly, sounding like a plea for him to be quiet, to stop demanding answers when the atmosphere in the room was full of unwanted tension.

"Her name was Elladora." Sirius said.

His voice was low but booming, echoing around the room like a drum beat as all the remaining life was sucked from the air. Elladora. A name that had been offhandedly mentioned many times that Harry hadn't thought much about, just a woman everybody knew. But something about the way everybody's faces seem to darken at the syllables rolling off of Sirius' lips made Harry think she was special.

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