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- Chapter Seven -
"Touch me again, Alastor, and I rip you apart with nothing more than my fucking teeth-"

- Chapter Seven -"Touch me again, Alastor, and I rip you apart with nothing more than my fucking teeth-"

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"OOOOHHHH..." Sebastian wagged his fingers in front of Mad-Eye Moody's face, imitating a ghost's haunting draw.

Moody immediately pressed Sebastian against the wall again, wand to his face as everyone in the room flinched at the force. Now that Dumbledore was here and had seen Sebastian in the flesh, alive and breathing, there was no way he could be hurt or killed so Sebastian was fairly confident that he would be safe from Moody's anger.

"ALASTOR!" Dumbledore calm drawl escalated to a rough yell just as Sebastian thought.

The boy's lips tipped up into a smirk at the angry face of Moody and the way his fake eye flit around furiously before he roughly let go but remained close. The redheaded men stood in similar brawling positions on the other side of Sebastian but made no move to restrain him, per Dumbledore's orders.

"Well done, Sebastian." Dumbledore spoke into the tension and even the living zombie himself was confused as he tilted his head a little at the Headmaster - but Dumbledore simply grinned with a twinkle in his eyes. "You have surprised me."

"One of a few people to have done so, I presume, sir." Sebastian replied and Harry looked in between the two of them and their seemingly friendly banter, but the teenage boy still looked ready to pounce on anyone who wronged him.

"Quite." Dumbledore nodded his head, his eyes glinting with that familiar little light that Sebastian always used to see when the two of them spoke. It seemed to be the only thing comforting about the new future. "I think we have a great deal to talk about."

"Sir-" Harry stepped forward, towards Dumbledore almost like he was growing impatient. But before he could get much more out, a hand put itself in the young boy's face and pushed him back lightly.

"Hey, strange child, shut it. I'm talking." Sebastian looked at him sideways, taking his hand away from Harry's face to put a finger to his lips and signal for him to be quiet. Harry backed off, a little bit stunned at Sebastian's words. "It's rude to interrupt. Your parent's didn't teach you basic manners?"

"Sebastian-" Remus tried to interrupt but Sebastian turned to him with his finger on his lips, making a sharp 'shush' sound. Once again, the eyes were what what made Remus pause, a look so stern it was like a ghost was in the room. Technically, there was.

"My parents are dead." Harry told him and the room seemed to go quieter than it had when Dumbledore strolled in, lavender robes flowing. Various Order members looked down at the ground and frowned as though remembering some great heroes.

Sirius was one of them, squeezing his eyes shut and shaking his head just a little before looking back up and trying to put on a bravado. Remus simply seemed exhausted and had a little bit less of a reaction, but there was clearly still some damage within his eyes...Sebastian looked around the room awkwardly at the new quietness.

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