The Morning After - Stan

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I wake up to something familiar and something strange. Familiar is the pounding headache and a thirsty feeling in my throat. I'm hungover. Strange is me and Kyle's noses are touching and my arms are wrapped around his waist. he has an arm wrapped around my back too. What the hell happened last night? The morning after is a bitch.

I sit there quietly not wanting to wake Kyle who is peacefully sleeping. Then his eyes flutter gently— and slowly— open. He blushes bright red "sorry! I just brought you home last night cause you were drunk as hell dude. Nothing weird happened! I'm not like that I swear!!" He mumbles on. "I wasn't concerned about that Kyle I trust you," I laugh. We both sit up. Shit my head is spinning. I pull my phone out of my pocket and Wendy has texted me? I open it.

Wendy- change ur mind?


Stan- Yea yea we can get back together Wendy

Wendy- cool! Cya at school babe <3
Wendy- ;)


"Fuck dude. Get me an aspirin?" I plead. He nods and walks off to the bathroom. He returns with a water bottle and a pill. He hands me the pill and water bottle. "You should drink all that water, you were like really fucking drunk," he mumbles. I nod. I take a gulp and then pop the pill in my mouth and take another gulp. I finish off the bottle by chugging the last of it.

We sit in silence on the edge of his bed. I turn and look at him and he looks at me. I look at his lips. God... I don't know what I'm thinking, am I about to do this? Our eyes meet again. He is so... something. I lean in and I kiss him. At first I can feel that he's shocked but he melts into it. The kiss grows more passion and I work my hands into his fluffy red hair. One of his hands is on the back of my head his other is in my thigh. He pulls away and I let go.

"I don't know what I was thinking..." I mumble. The floor is very interesting suddenly. "Sorry, it's just..." I pause and decide not to say anything. "Kyle..?" I look back up at him and he's blushing red. "We should get going to school," he says blankly standing up. "Uh.. yeah. Sorry," I reply shyly.

Our entire walk to the bus stop is silent. I'm relieved that Butters and Kenny are already there when we arrive. Cartman is also here but I'm not necessarily relieved to see him. "Haha! Stan and Kyle are so gay they probably slept together last night!" He shouts at us. "Actually shut the fuck up dude!" Kyle screams at him. "This is why nobody likes you, you dumb duck!" He continues. My headaches worn off from the aspirin Kyle gave me but I swear if they keep arguing I'm gonna get another headache. "Whatever you stupid Jew!" Cartman sneers. "At least I'm not a fat fuck who'll die alone!" Kyle hisses back.

I tune them out and look over at Kenny and Butters. Kenny whispers something into Butters ear and he turns bright red before giving Kenny a swift punch to the arm. I walk over to them and Kenny gives me a nod. "You we're super drunk last night dude," Kenny laughs at me. "Yeah maybe a little," I chuckle.

"WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH IF ME OR STAN IS GAY CAUSE WERE NOT AND IF WE WERE IT SHOULDN'T FUCKING MATTER!" Kyle screams at Cartman his voice full of rage. "Oh shiiit," Butters whispers to me and Kenny. Eric looks Kyle up and down and chuckles. "What are you? A little Jewish fag—" Cartman's comment it interrupted by a rough punch to the nose and followed by blood. Kyle shoves Cartman to the ground and start punching him until I run over and physically yank him off. I literally fall backwards with him from pulling him so hard off Eric. Cartman sits up holding his hand over his noes. Butters unzips his bag and pulls out some tissues and gives them to Kenny to give to Cartman. He takes them and shoves him up his noes just as the bus arrives.

(At school)
I meet Wendy out front and all my friends are more then shocked to see us back together. It's be a lie to say Wendy wasn't pretty. She is gorgeous. However it's also a lie to say she's a good person. I kiss her when I see her, like how I did every other time we dated. It's almost a habit. The longest we had gone broken up was roughly 3 months.

The thing is Wendy was probably the most popular girl in the school so she needed the perfect boyfriend to parade around. A love story to show off. So she always came running back to me. My dumbass always said yes I always believed she would change. Now kissing her just feels revolting. She tries to drag me to the bathroom the way we used to do, we'd make out in there all the time. "No, not today Wendy," I mumble. She sighs "whatever," she huffs.

The bell rings eventually so I have an excuse to abandon Wendy. I've never been happier to sit in algebra with Mr.Lund. I even pay a little bit of attention. I really do need to make sure I'm maintaining at least Bs or As, my mom expects that. To my surprise Algebra isn't even that bad today. Nothing too hard.

I look across the room at Kyle. Usually we'd laugh and pass notes but today is different for obvious reasons. I'm not 100% certain why I kissed him. I really liked it though. Am I gay? No. Well do straight people kiss their best friends and like it? I still think girls are hot though. Dude am I bisexual? I read about being bisexual like once in a magazine. Well whatever the the fuck I am I need to talk to Kyle. Why would I kiss him? I'm so stupid. God that may be the worst mistake I've ever made.

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