Breakfast - Kyle

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I wake up to the gentle sound of the faucet running from the kitchen. My eyes flutter open as the sound stops. I'm still in Cartman's living room but unlike last night the TV is off as the room is lit very dimly from light shining in from the windows. I glance over at the kitchen and see Stan holding a cup of water.

"Oh morning Kyle," Stan says. I look around some more. Kenny's arms are wrapped around Butters waist and his head is resting lightly on his shoulder. Butters head is lying on top of Kenny's head. They look peaceful and comfortable and it makes me feel warm inside. It reminds me of last night when Stan laid his head on my shoulder as he fell asleep.

Cartman still looks stupid, his head hanging backward with his mouth open. He's snoring very lightly.

Stan sits next to me again and sighs. "I'm hungry," he complains. "I could make some food, surely Cartman has eggs," I offer.

Much to everyone's surprise I'm a pretty good cook. My mom taught me when I was younger. I treasure the memories of learning how to make different things with my mom.

"Seriously? Sure, you make the best scrambled eggs!" He smiles. He follows me into the kitchen.

It reminds me of last year one time when Stan stayed over at my house. We woke up early that morning and walked to my kitchen. We decided to make French toast. Stan wanted to help, I told him he didn't need to but he insisted. He ended up almost burning my house down so after that I usually just make him watch when I cook.

I found a pan and eggs. I carefully set the pan on the stove and then turn it on. I dig through a few cabinets and I find some canola oil and spray the pan. After a minute the pan heats up and I gently crack an egg into it. Sizzzzle. I absolutely love the sound of things sizzling in a pan. I crack a few more eggs into the pan.

Stan wanders over and stands next to me and sighs heavily. "I'm so tireddd," he whines laying his head on my shoulder for a second and then lifting his head back up again. I feel my face heat up almost instantly as an obvious blush glows on my face.

I stir the eggs around with the spatula. They're starting to look more fluffy and egg-like now. They need to cook longer though. I turn around and Stan hoists himself up onto the counter with a grunt and sits there quietly. I give him a small smile then turn back to the eggs. I stir them around some more to make sure they're cooked. They are. 

"Grab me a plate please," I tell him. He hops off the counter, grabs a plate, and sets it on the counter next to me. I pour the fluffy scrambled eggs onto the plate and smile. "I'm gonna make a little more so everyone can have some," I think aloud while grabbing another egg.

Crack. Sizzzzzle. Crack. Sizzzle. Crack. Sizzle.

Stan hops up onto the counter again while the eggs start to cook. When I finish them I dump them onto the plate with the other eggs, turn off the stove, put everything away, and then hop up on the counter by Stan.

We sit quietly for a moment. "Stan, you should break up with Wendy," I say quietly. "I can't, she's blackmailing me," he grumbles. "Who cares?" I blurt out. "I mean your friends will know you, they won't care about whatever Wendy has to say and everyone else can just go fuck themselves," I add. I know he tries to act like he doesn't care, but he hates being with Wendy. It makes him miserable.

"I'm scared," he whisperers. I grab his hand and squeeze it gently. "I'm here for you dude, your my super best friend," I smile. I sit there happily, feeling the warmth of his hand in mine. I just bask in the comfort of his presence. I could die happy now. God im so helplessly in love with this idiot.

The moment can't last forever. The sound of Kenny's footsteps makes Stan's hand jolt
To his side in a panic. "Morning lovebirds," Kenny mumbles while rubbing his temples. "Shut up Kenny," groans Stan. "Do have any aspirin?" he asks massaging his temples some more. "You would have to ask Cartman," I say. Kenny mumbles some swears under his breath and stumbles back to the living room.

"Oh, I made eggs by the way!" I call after Kenny. "Cool," he shouts in return. "Get up fatty!" Kenny yells from the living room. "Oh shit sorry Butters. Cartman where do you keep your aspirin?" Kenny groans. "I need some aspirin too," Butters says. "Cabinet on your left upstairs! Get me one too!" Cartman hisses.

"Guys! Kyle made breakfast!" Stab shouts to them. "Neat! I'll grab some after I get an aspirin!" Butters assures us. Cartman waddles into the kitchen and grabs himself a plate of scrambled eggs. Stan dishes himself up and Butters grabs himself a plate and gets a separate one to give to Kenny. I grab my plate after, there isn't much left but I don't mind.

I take my seat on the couch next to Stan quietly. "These eggs kick-ass," Cartman smiles through a mouthful of food. "You're welcome," I add slyly.

"Oh you have some on your cheek," Butters says reaching to brush it off his face. Kenny turns his head away. "I got it," he mumbles brushing it off his cheek. What's up with Kenny and Butters now? I'll talk to Kenny later I guess.

I still can't help but worry about Stan. I really hope he'll break up with Wendy. She's such a bitch. Almost as though my thoughts were being read, Stan's phone starts ringing. It's Wendy fucking Testaburger.

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