Panic and a Computer Search - Kyle/Stan

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(AN: I've been trying to do minimum POV switches during chapters but I felt like this one needed it so enjoy!)

(Kyle's POV)

Kyle - I'll be over as soon as I can
Kyle - my parents should be home in like 5 minutes

He doesn't reply to that. I anxiously tap my feet on the floor and firmly squeeze the edge of the couch. Waiting has never felt this long. I swear it's already been an hour but the clock says it's only been 2 minutes. I hear the familiar sound of the car pulling into our driveway and I hop off the floor. I grab my coat and pull my hat firmly down on my head before I exit into my front yard.

"I'm going to Stan's!" I shout to my mom from the bottom of the driveway. "Kyle!" she shouts back. I swiftly turn to face her "What?" She gives me a stern look. "May I please go to Stan's house?" I ask with a grumpy sigh. "Fine, be back at 6:00 Bubbie," she says. "Thanks, Mom!" I shout as I'm already walking toward his house.

When I get there the driveway is empty, so I know his parents aren't home. Hesitantly, I walk up to his door and knock. It flies open nearly instantly to a distressed Stan. I step in and he hastily shuts the door behind me and briskly brushes past me to flop down onto the couch. As he sinks into his couch he groans.

"What's up, dude?" I ask with a concerned voice. He takes an audible deep breath and then sits up. He adjusts himself to face me which is when I notice that he looks like he's about to cry and has been crying. It's obvious from his red, puffy eyes and the damp look under his eyes.

"Uhm... I think my dad might know that I'm Gay..." he mumbles. The higher-than-usual pitch of his voice confirms my theory that he's holding back tears. I sit on the couch next to him and wait for him to continue.

"I... so I was taking am I gay quizzes like I don't know... 2 weeks ago? And other similar questions you know... about being Bisexual. I'm Bi I didn't tell you. And uh he texted me saying that he saw my searches on the computer, he must have taken it with him to breakfast this morning. He said we can "talk about it" when he and my mom get home..." he takes a shaky breath in after finishing his explanation. "He's gonna hate me, Kyle! He's gonna kick me out or send me away or something!" he says frantically.

I wrap him in a hug. He sinks into it, burying his head in my chest. He's so close I can feel his heartbeat, a little faster than I'd consider usual, from anxiety, I'd assume. I don't know what to do or say so I just keep hugging him until he pulls away.

"You know what pack a bag," I tell him. He looks at me, clearly confused. "You can come stay at mine for the night. if you want of course," I explain. "Your mom would be fine with that?" he asks me.

Shit. She definitely wouldn't, last minute sleepover 9/10 fails with her. I don't wanna get in trouble by sneaking him in...You know what ask for forgiveness not permission. This is important. Even though it's important I feel a little anxious at the idea of sneaking him in again.

"Well, she won't know," I reply with false confidence. He smiles at me, a dreary but grateful look in his eyes. He stands up and disappears to (I assume) pack a bag like I had said to do.

(Stan's POV)
I slink up to my room and search for an old backpack. I found an old black one that looks good enough and start to think over what I'll need. I make a list in my head

1. Clothes

How much clothes? I decide to pack enough to last me until Monday night, two days from now. Just in case.

2. Toothbrush + Toothpaste

3. Phone charger

4. A blanket

6. Band-aids.

7. $30 I have saved up

Those last two are more like just-in-case items. Just in case something happens and I need that shit. I turn off my location on my phone, that way my dad won't know I'm at Kyle's. I'm sure he'll come knocking on their door but he'll probably trust that I'm not there when they (Kyle's parents) say that they haven't seen me.

I head back downstairs. Kyle glances up from his phone and shuts it off when he sees it's me. "Wanna go now or..?" he trails off questioningly. "Yeah lets go," I tell him. I open the door and wait for him. We step into the cold and pull the door firmly shut behind me.

When we arrive at his house he goes in through the front door and I opt to climb up a tree; The tree that's outside of his room. I manage to scale my way up the tree. I cling to the branch for dear life, I don't wanna fall. God, please don't let me fall.

Kyle slides his window open and steps to the side to let me climb in. I carefully step into his room. I slip my backpack off and it plops onto the floor silently.

I sit on the floor, leaning idly against Kyle's bed. "You want any snacks or something?" Kyle asks. I think for a moment "Nah," I respond "Thanks for offering though."

He sits next to me. "Do you wanna talk about it?" he whispers. I know what he means, what it is. Of course I do but I don't even wanna think about it. Let alone talk about it. Does anyone want to talk about knowing their gonna be kicked out or something similar cause their gay? I shake my head.

"And I know I thought we'd be meeting up at Starks Pond tomorrow but do you still wanna go? We can like... walk there together," he says.

I wasn't even thinking about that. I still don't know what I'm gonna say. Which is exactly why I lied and said that I was busy today. I needed time. To think and decide what to say. I didn't use any of the time that I had, classic procrastinator style.

"We don't have to though dude I'm just asking," he adds. I shake my head "Nah we should go like we planned," I tell him

Why would I say that? Now I have to think about what to say to him. Shit.

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