The Not Drunk Idiot - Kyle

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The three-and-a-half drunken idiots and I walk down the road on our way to Cartman's house. Cartman leads the way Kenny and Stan trail him. Me and Butters trail the furthest back. I chuckle to myself, this will be an interesting night.

As we walk Butters wobbles a lot. We're starting to get close to Eric's house when he trips. Over apparently the air? He almost face-plants. He uses his hands to break the fall but he still fucks up his chin pretty badly and his hands are bloody too. "fuck!" Butters cries out. "Shit dude are you okay!?" Stan asks turning around.

He's rolled over to his back now. His chin is pretty fucked up and his eyes are a little watery. Kenny stumbles over and kneels next to Butter's head.

Usually Butters is the one to carry first aid stuff around. Nothing crazy just a few band aids, ibuprofen, wipes, and hand sanitizer. Unlucky for him he didn't bring any of that crap tonight.

"Anyone have something to put on his chin? It's bleeding a fucking lot," Kenny glances around. "It's bleeding a lot? I totally couldn't see that!" Cartman comments sarcastically. Butters sits up, touches his chin with his hand, and winces a little. "I- it's fine guys!" Butters mumbles. We all look at his bleeding chin. "I'll deal with it when we get to Cartman's house! It's not far," he insists. "What'd you even trip on?" I ask curiously. "Uh- I kinda just forgot I was taking a step halfway through my step..." he explains.

Kenny stands and offers Butters his hands to help him up. Kenny pulls him up to his feet and he smiles but then winces from the pain of his chin. It's pretty busted up, not even just the underside of his chin the front of his chin scrapped on the ground too.

We continue walking to Cartman's house. Kenny and Butters are now walking together I can hear Kenny attempt to flirt a little but Butters is as oblivious as ever so he has a very friendly response.

Cartman swings open the door to his house. I check my phone. Saturday, January 13th. 1:27 am.

"You guys wanna play Mario cart?" Cartman asks while already turning his console on. "Yeah, but let me find Butters something for his chin first!" Kenny replies. "Gay wad," Cartman rolls his eyes. "I'm in," Replies Stan. "Same here," I agree.

We play for a bit before Butters and Kenny come back from the bathroom. Butters has a load of bandages on his chin and a little bit of blood on his light blue pullover sweater but looks mostly okay. "Restart so we can join," Kenny says. "Nah wait until the rounds over— STOP IT!" Cartman yells as a shell hits him and he drops back a few places. "Actually I'd love to restart it," he grumbles. Since only 4 people can play at a time we add in Kenny and the loser has to rotate off.

After we finish a round (I won so suck a fat one Cartman) Kenny gets up to get some water from the kitchen. He brings back a glass for Butters. "Butterscotch!" He shouts as he enters the room. He throws the glass. Why the fuck did he throw a glass of water at Butters. Butters dodges it by pretty much flopping his upper body onto the floor. Kenny looks mildly shocked and confused at what he just did.

"Uh...sorry," He says while Butters picks up the surprisingly not broken glass. "Did you think it was a bottle of water or something?" I ask him. He shrugs. Kenny takes the glass from Butters and walks back into the kitchen and sits down on the floor next to Butters where he was before. To be fair they're all pretty drunk, well I guess Stans is not that drunk, but Kenny is. We have all done stupid shit well drunk. A prime example is Butters forgetting how to walk resulting in a busted-up chin.

After a few more rounds of Mario cart, we turn on a movie. After not very long Cartman falls asleep next to me on the couch. He's leaning against the armrest and he looks kinda stupid. Kenny passed out too. His heads laying on Butters shoulder. Part of me thinks it was intentional but it's also possible he just passed out and ended up like that. Butters seems unbothered, he's still watching the movie quietly.

Next to me, Stan yawns. I peek over at him, I can tell he's tired. It's really cute. As my face starts to heat up I look away.

A few minutes later I feel a weight in my shoulder. Gently I move my head and see Stan's head on my shoulder and I smile. I grab a pillow from beside me and place it behind his head carefully. I pull my legs up onto the couch so I'm sitting cross-legged and then I gently rest my head on his. The last thing I see as I start to doze off is the back of Butters head.

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