Three and a Half Drunken Idiots - Stan

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(Rewind Bitchesss, we're at the part of the story where the group just entered the party except it's Stan's POV now, ENJOY)

(TW: Mention of sexual assault)

Inside the house, it smells like alcohol. There are people dancing and making out in every corner and the whole house is a dimly lit purple. I watch as Butters grabs Kenny's hand. Kenny pulls him further into the mess of people until I can't see them in the crowd.

"Wanna try and find a beer?" Kyle asks leaning in really close so I can hear him. Why the fuck am I blushing? I mean I know I kissed him but I don't like him like that. I was just hungover and not thinking clearly. I shove through people as politely as I can and grin when I find a cooler. I open it. Several cold beers are inside so I grab three. One for me, one for Kyle, and another one for good measure. The cold bottle in my hands makes me shiver a bit. I hand him one and he grins.

He uses the railing of the stairs to pop off the lip and takes a swig. I mimic his motions.

I look around the room scanning who's all here. Wendy, shit. I told her I wasn't gonna be here. To be fair she also told me she wasn't gonna go. She's holding a red solo cup and talking to Bebe casually. She cannot see me here, I don't wanna deal with her. For one she'll pester me about why I lied to her. Also, she'll want me to hang out with her and Bebe. I'd rather die than be around her.

"Uhmm... Kyle maybe this sounds weird but do you wanna like...go hang out in the bathroom?" I ask awkwardly. "That's kinda gay dude," he replies. "Please? Wendy's here and I don't want her to see me," I grumble.

Kyle sighs, grabs my hand, and leads me upstairs. "Wait which one is the bathroom?" He cluelessly looks at the doors. I take a wild guess and swing one door open. Clyde's room. My second guess is right I open the door to a kinda cramped bathroom.

I flip the light on and shut the door behind us. I click the lock. In the room the floors are unswept and the lighting is kinda crappy and flickery. On one wall is a tub and the other side is a toilet crammed into the corner and a sink right next to the toilet. It's pretty damn cramped. The mirror also looks like it hasn't been cleaned in decades. Naturally, I decide to sit on the cleanest thing in the room. The bathtub. I sit cross-legged in the tub with my back pushed up against the wall. Kyle sits next to me and pulls his knees to his chest.

I take another swig of beer and set my beer on the tub edge in front of me. The extra beer I brought with us sits on the sink. "Did you hear about that kid who fell down the stairs at school?" Kyle asks me. I did in fact hear about that kid, I guess it was some senior. "Yeah, a senior right?" I double-checked. "Yeah he like cracked his skull open," he tells me. "Gross!" I blurt out. Kyle takes another swig of his beer.

We sit in a comfortable silence until somebody rattles the bathroom handle. "taken!" "Occupied!" We shout at the same time. Whoever is rattling the handle probably thinks we're making out in here or something. "Can I ask you a question?" Kyle asks me. "You just did dumbass," I retort. "Go ahead," I say. "Why did you get back with Wendy? Also are you okay? you were super off after 3rd period today," He questions. I take a swig of beer.

I swear I already told him that she's blackmailing me. 3rd period was just a result of said blackmailing. I'm kinda confused about what kind of response he wants. "Well she blackmailed me... uhm 3rd period was just kinda a result of that," I mumble. "Sorry I feel like I'm interrogating you but what happened in 3rd period exactly? also, what is she blackmailing you with?"  I sigh. Another swig of beer, my bottles nearly empty now meanwhile Kyle's is still mostly full.

"We were hiding behind the bleachers. Avoiding PE. She wanted me to make out with her. I didn't want to... at all...uhm... but ya know blackmail so I made out with her? 'Cause blackmail," I explain. I take a deep breath. "As far as blackmail it doesn't matter, everyone loves Wendy Testaburger,  she would make sure everyone hates me. I mean she's like the queen of the school they'd believe her no matter what."

Kyle just kinda looks at me. "Isn't that like... sexual assault..?" He whispers. "I don't know, it doesn't matter it's not a big deal," I whisper back. "Are you sure—" "I'm fine!" I interrupt. At this point both of our bottles are empty. I wouldn't call us drunk just a little bit tipsy. I wobble a little as I stand up I grab the other beer and open it on the tub's edge. The cap pops off and I chug about half of it before I take a breath then I finish it off. Considering I have a pretty good alcohol tolerance 2 beers will probably not even make me all that drunk, just a little extra tipsy.

I sit down next to Kyle again. "Sorry," he mumbles. I look at him questioningly. "For the whole thing with Wendy, I know it's not my fault but I feel bad," he explains. "Wanna go out back to the main party and try to find the other three?"  I ask him. He nods and starts to stand up wobbling a tiny bit.

As we exit the bathroom I can hear noises coming from one of the bedrooms. "Somebody having fun," I laugh. "Lots of it," Kyle adds as the lewd noise coming from the room increases. We both go downstairs before we get a chance to hear more.

We spot Butters pretty quickly considering he's sitting on some older dude's lap.  Kyle practically yanks Butters off the random guy's lap. "Have you seen Kenny?" I practically scream as to be heard over the music. "He-e-went upstairs-s-with-h-some guy!" Butters shouts back his reply though all his words sort of slur together.  Oh my god please don't tell me that was Kenny I was hearing I'll actually barf if I ever find out it was. 

"What the hell were you doing in that guy's lap anyway? Are you giving out lap dances!?" I shout. "What, no? There-e-just wasn't an-y-room—n- the couch!" He shouts back. "Yeah, that was totally the only reason he let you sit on his lap..." I sigh to myself.

"Stan! I found Cartman!" Kyle shouts while holding a clearly drunk Cartman by the wrist. "Do you think trees can get high?" Cartman whispers in my ear. The fuck? I pull my phone out of my pocket. 12:47 I read. We've only been here like two hours, well really almost three. "Isn't Cartman's mom out of town visiting her family?" I whisper into Kyle's ear. He nods. "Do you think we could all sleep over there after Kenny... finishes up or whatever..." I suggest. "Probably!" He replies.

Well we wait for Kenny, I think about opening another beer but I decide not to. Kyle is gonna need help dealing with the three drunken idiots. Three and a half if you count me I guess. Cartman does dance for a while but mostly we all stand and chat mindlessly. After a while, Kenny comes down looking very dazed and tired. Oh and drunk as hell don't forget that important detail. The hickeys on his neck make me think that he was in fact the one I heard having fun up there. Ew, I'm traumatized.

When Butters sees Kenny he runs over to him. I can't hear what they're saying but Butters looks a mix of angry and upset. There's a very quick gap in between songs and I hear Butters faintly. "—You said— why did you leave me?!" He shouts as the next song starts to play.

Since they are standing by the door I move in that direction and Kyle follows me. Cartman also stumbles over and shouts "Butters quit arguing with your boyfriend! We're going over to my house!"

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