{Episode 1 - Wiped clean}

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Now playing:
Hey Little Girl - Bloodwitch

The sky lit up in a hazy shade of pale blue as the sun slowly creeped up to the horizon, not showing quite yet. The moon still shone a dull, cold, white as it had not yet finished its own descent.

Birds nestled in nearby trees sang loud, annoying, trilling, notes which floated down from the branches above, aggravating the two down in the street below and the other as they packed plastic boxes into a silver car. Previously packed boxes got shoved farther back as more boxes were placed in front. It was going to suck to unpack.

(Y/N) placed his backpack into the passenger seat as their relative climbed into the driver's seat, closing the door behind her. A tired sigh left his lips, the warning of a headache lingering in the back of his head as he turned back to the house they'd be leaving in just a few minutes.

Shutting the car door behind him, (Y/N) walked halfway up the walkway and simply stared at the home that'd be left behind, sitting empty for weeks or months. It was completely unfair, the home that had so many memories sitting alone without a family to care for. In the faint morning light the house looked like a ghost, the comparison made (Y/N) shiver. The windows now eyes that wished for (Y/N) to stay behind, to relive the memories until the end of time. A shape moved behind the glass, the pale blue a familiar color. Was it? It had to be. (Y/N) stepped closer without thinking. It must be. He needed to get closer-

"Kid, we need to go!" The boy's aunt called out to him, breaking the trance. (Y/N) stepped back. It must've been a trick of the light. No ghosts lived here anymore.

Maria was leaning over the roof of the car, her long curly brown hair being blown in her crystal blue eyes by the occasional breezes that swept through the currently empty streets.

It was going to be fine. A brand new start.

"No more looking back" as she said.
Maria gave her nephew a sympathetic smile as he climbed into the car and leaned back his head.

"I know this is hard but-" She began as she started the car.

I can't do another lecture about loss.

"Can we please just go?" (Y/N) interrupted, not meeting her eyes as he stared out the windshield, unable to look at her or the house.

A soft, uneasy, silence settled into the car as (Y/N) put his headphones on.

As the sun slowly rose further into the sky, the family of two progressed out of their comfortable hometown and further toward their destination.

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