{Episode 4 - Kuroo}

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Part of the reason this chapter took so long was because- despite me having a playlist full of song choices- this chapter was particularly hard to pair with a song.

(A/N)Part of the reason this chapter took so long was because- despite me having a playlist full of song choices- this chapter was particularly hard to pair with a song

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Now playing:
More Than It Hurts You - The Front Bottoms


• accidental misgendering
• dysphoric thoughts

"Hey, are you okay?"
The boy standing over (Y/N) asked, tilting his head only slightly in what looked to be curiosity. (Y/N) mimicked the action as he caught his breath. Eyes still wide, (Y/N) stared at the boy owlishly.

The question finally registered in (Y/N)'s head as the boy raised a brow.

"Y-yeah I'm fine!"
(Y/N) stammered. Brushing off the dust, he began to get to his feet. The boy offered a hand to him, making (Y/N) pause. Was it a trap? He wasn't a ghost..
Carefully, (Y/N) took the other boy's hand, shocked as the boy immediately pulled him to his feet.
He was much stronger than (Y/N) had expected.

Now on his feet, (Y/N) could see that the boy was certainly tall, with jet black hair that spiked up in an odd way. He was wearing street clothes, like (Y/N), and he looked older by maybe a year? Two years?
(Y/N) glanced away and brushed the dust off the back of his pants.

"I'm so sorry. I came around the corner too fast- I didn't see y-" The boy began before (Y/N) cut him off.

"No no, it's okay. I shouldn't have just stood there."

The boy chuckled, glancing away. Was he embarrassed? Did I mess up?

"I'm sorry-"
Words spilled from (Y/N)'s lips like oil. The boy held his hands up as if placating a wild animal.
That's an ugly comparison.

Interrupting the impromptu apology, the boy chuckled lightly and a spark of jealousy flared up in (Y/N)'s chest, raking its claws against the inside of his ribs.
How wonderful it'd be to have a carefree attitude like that.

"You shouldn't apologize. I really should've been watching where I was going, really. What are you doing out here this late, though?"

Well, before the ghost following him decided to break lights, (Y/N) was on a nice, calming, walk.
"I was just.. walking."
He shrugged, glancing away from the boy for a moment.

"You should be careful. There's been lots of villain activity around here lately."
The boy tilted his head. His hands came down to rest on his hips casually.
"I'm Kuroo."

Why do I keep giving out my name to strangers?
A smile crossed the boy- Kuroo's lips and (Y/N) tried to mirror it, though it felt more like he was baring his teeth instead.

"So are you new around here?"
The question caught (Y/N) off guard. Who asks a stranger that? It seemed like a bizarre first question. But, perhaps this was a very normal question to ask a stranger here.

Now uncertain of the bizarreness of the situation, (Y/N) answered slowly.
"Yeah. I just moved here."

"Really? You should check out this cafe nearby, it's a fantastic place."
Oh now that was a weird twist of irony. Kuroo chattered on about various places to visit, the best restaurants, bookstores, sightseeing sites in Tokyo, etc. (Y/N) only zoned back in to interject.

"Uh, that Cafe, are you talking about Sweet Treats Cafe?"

Kuroo's eyes lit up and he tilted his head, smiling in a curious manner.
"Yeah how'd you know?"

"My uncles own it."

Huffing, Kuroo looked away and covered his mouth. For a brief, and rather uncomfortable, moment, (Y/N) thought Kuroo was mad at him for saying the wrong thing. Then the realisation struck.
Kuroo was laughing, chuckling, really.

"Figures that a cute girl like you would be related to bakers." Kuroo laughed like his comment made sense.

It stung, being called a girl. (Y/N)'s throat seemed to tighten and he managed to choke out a quiet "I'm a boy."

Grimacing, Kuroo immediately looked to (Y/N), bowing in apology.
"I'm so sorry. I thought- I should've asked- I- really I'm sorry-"

"It's fine."
Barely paying any mind to Kuroo's apologies, (Y/N) stared down at his clothes, his body. What had betrayed him? Why did Kuroo automatically think he was a girl?

An awkward silence fell over them before Kuroo finally broke it, smiling halfheartedly.
"Yknow, if you're ever in Tokyo I'd love for you to see one of my team's matches."

(Y/N) glanced up at Kuroo, nodding. Taking another, more analytical, look at Kuroo's jacket, (Y/N) could see that it was displaying some sort of sports team. He subtly read the kanji on the red jacket. Nekoma High?
"Do you play a sport?"
What was it about (Y/N) that made people want to be around him so badly? First the man in the gas station, now this. Why me?
He wasn't exactly a bountiful well of charisma.

"Yes! I play volleyball."
Putting his hands on his hips, Kuroo stood there proudly, smirking.

Maria had tried to get (Y/N) involved in sports before. Maybe having an extracurricular activity would make her not worry as much. Would (Y/N) even be good at sports? Frowning, (Y/N) tilted his head at Kuroo.
"Is it fun?"



Pausing, Kuroo thought for a brief moment, nodding.
"I mean, yeah. It can be."

(Y/N) glanced off to the side, staring at the road.

"Are you thinking about joining a team?"
Kuroo's facial expression seemed to shift, becoming more analytical of (Y/N), seeing him not as just a strange boy on the street, but as a possible teammate.

Shrugging, (Y/N) briefly glanced at Kuroo before looking away.

After a short silence, Kuroo perked up, seeming to remember something. Taking a piece of paper from his pocket- (Y/N) quickly realized that it was a receipt- and tearing a small piece off, Kuroo quickly scribbled something down with a pen and handed it over.

"Here. Text me if you're ever interested in seeing a game. Our team's really cool."
The paper held Kuroo's number in barely legible writing. Is that an eight or a seven?
"Alright." I guess. The unvoiced thought lingered in (Y/N)'s mind. Why did people just gravitate to him? Why was this teen boy just giving him his number? This hadn't ever happened to him before he moved. Or had it?

(Y/N) looked up at Kuroo, a smile naturally falling on his lips. Glancing at what looked like a kid's wristwatch on his wrist, Kuroo jolted, beginning to back away.
"See you 'round (Y/N)!"
As he walked off, (Y/N) only watched, his limbs suddenly heavy with exhaustion. A satisfaction bubbled in (Y/N)'s chest as he himself began walking back to the cafe.

Maybe this was just a sign that his bad luck was finally running out.

Not quite happy with this chapter but. Idk it was either rewrite/scrap the whole thing and wait another month or put it out. A finished product is better than no product I guess. Anyway I'm really sad that baldur's gate 3 isn't coming to switch since my only computer is an asthmatic old man that protests running the sims.

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