{Episode 2 - New ties}

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Shhhhh superpowers are real in this, I can make the gays have a happy ending. Anti-gay laws don't apply in my fictional dollhouse world.

 Anti-gay laws don't apply in my fictional dollhouse world

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Feelings are Fatal - mxmtoon

The sun was blazing brightly in the sky, shining down on the town of Karasuno. Shadows cowered away in alleyways and on the sides of buildings. It was a rather pretty place, (Y/N) had to admit. They'd driven from the airport, after a grueling 15-hour flight, to the town where Maria said (Y/N)'s uncles lived.

The car Maria had rented slowed to a stop in front of a row of buildings which crowded the side of the road. One building stood out from the rest, which was quite a feat with the bright colors showcased behind many of the windows of the buildings. With its bright pastel colors and old '50s style awnings, the sweet-looking bakery was a spot of color among the shops.

It was obviously a two-floor building, with the upper floor having the curtains drawn. The words "Sweet Tooth Bakery" burned a bright neon pink in kanji on the front of the building.

I thought we were meeting my uncles.
A secondary thought flashed through (Y/N)'s mind.
Wonder if they'll like me.

"C'mon kid, I think they're waiting for us." Maria said, nodding to the lights shining out from the inside of the first floor of the building. (Y/N) could see tables and chairs and fake baked goods on display by the bay windows that faced them.

This is going to be interesting. Wonder why we're meeting in a bakery of all places.

A soft sigh escaped his lips as he climbed out of the car. As he did so, he saw the door to the bakery open.

A brunette ran out of the building, running over to Maria and engulfing her in a tight hug. The brunette's frilly pink skirt billowed in the wind as her long ponytail followed suit.
Another woman, this one with short auburn hair, ran out of the building, followed by two men.

Maria squealed and laughed as she hugged the woman back.

The group crowded around Maria and (Y/N). Faint memories sparked to life like a machine after being long turned off.

The woman Maria was hugging, the brunette with leather-brown eyes, she must've been Jade, his aunt on his mom's side. The one he'd met once when he was younger.
The one with auburn hair who ran out after her, she had to be Kazumi, her wife.

If only I'd known them sooner. If only I'd had them in my life.

Maria broke the hug and turned to (Y/N), smiling at him like he should know what's going on, like he should know the men standing in front of him.

"(Y/N), meet your uncles, Leon and James."
Maria gestured to the two fairly well built men.

"It's nice to finally meet you (Y/N)." Leon- or at least the one (Y/N) assumed was Leon- said, holding out his hand for a handshake.

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