{Episode 0 - Pilot}

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Tires screeched against asphalt, the car coming to an abrupt stop too late. Red pooled on the white stripes of the crosswalk. The crunch of bones kept ringing in (Y/N)'s ears. One wrong move and his life had ended.

What have I done?

Dark mode recommended

What's up weirdos
My name is Sam, I go by he/him, and I'm the author running this show.

Here's some things you should know before anything else:

1. This is a trans male reader written from the perspective of a trans male author, with my own experience baked into the character.

2. There's gonna be some pretty gross gore in certain chapters and that will be marked with a "⚠️" at the beginning and the end in case you want to skip it.

3. Please for the love of every discovered and undiscovered dimension, check the trigger warning list. I can't monitor what you read, only you can do that.

4. Everything in this is written from my experience as an American, and while I've tried to keep everything vague enough for you to project your own location into the story, I'll definitely still screw up because not every place has wide open fields like Texas does, or Mentos. So just like be aware.

5. I don't have a set schedule, I write when I feel like it and post when I feel like it.

6. These characters are not role models. Do not emulate their behavior.

7. Everything I write is impacted by my own experiences as a person with ADHD and being aroace, even if I don't actually notice the effects.

If you are cis/identify as female, you may stay, but you may not fetishize anything that happens in this story.
You may be at this party, but you are not the ones I personally invited.
We are people, not toys.

If there's a sensitive subject in the chapter I will include a warning at the very top of the chapter, but as a general warning this book will include:

- dead naming
- dysphoria
- gore
- transphobia
- homophobia
- violence
- themes of loss
- themes of abuse

If there's something in a chapter that you think needs a warning, tag me in the part and tell me.

Smut is a big no-no because a lot of these characters are minors and I wouldn't feel comfortable with writing them in that way.

Basically this is a gay harem between everyone and (Y/N).

There will be characters from fandoms other than Haikyuu and Mha, but I'm not gonna point them out to you lmao.

Thank you if you've read this far, I appreciate it.

Link to playlist for Loner: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5WWQzzlRtJXXXyrkhR6sIu?si=uYuA4yazSHioFbhI1xpZIQ

Songs will be released and added as each chapter drops.

Enjoy, losers (affectionate)

— Sam

Loner || Bnha x Trans Male reader x Haikyuu ||Where stories live. Discover now