{Halloween Special - Old}

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Happy Halloween!!

The night was dark and foreboding, the moon casting a pale yellow light over the forest, tall dark trees looking like long gangly fingers reaching out of the earth trying to grab any unfortunate hiker or picnicker who wonders too far in and drag t...

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The night was dark and foreboding, the moon casting a pale yellow light over the forest, tall dark trees looking like long gangly fingers reaching out of the earth trying to grab any unfortunate hiker or picnicker who wonders too far in and drag them down into an early grave.

In a clearing light by firelight, a group of teens sit in a loose circle around a large bonfire.

"C'mon, we should be heading back by now!" (Y/N) said, shivering as a breeze blew up his shirt.

"Oh c'mon one more story (Y/N)." Hinata begs his classmate as Sugawara looks over at him.

"(Y/N) does have a point, we should be heading back to camp. Buuut, we should have time for one more story."

Half of the group cheers, the others stay silent as the fire crackles.

"Can I go?" Mina jumps at the chance, though Midoryia is reluctant to let his pink-skinned classmate tell a story.

"I don't know.."


"Mina can go." Sugawara says, being the authority of the group.

"Okay, so." Mina collects herself. "The woods we're in right now have a long and dark past."

A hard wind blows through the clearing, like someone exhaling.

"As the stories say, there was once a family who lived out here, two sons, two daughters, one mom, and one dad. They had been said to be a really strange family. The children would play outside late at night while carrying weapons, the mother would be seen carrying bags full of something into the house early in the morning, and the father had been described as sort of scared."

The woods seemed very quiet, no birds chirping or animals howling, just silent.

"Scared?" Oikawa asked.

"Like he had seen something horrible." Mina elaborated.

"What happened to them?" Denki questioned, on the edge of his seat.

"The townspeople eventually had enough and stormed over to their house, only to find that they had all been killed, ripped to pieces really, by the mom. The entire house had been searched, and that's when they found it."

"What, what'd they find?" Sero asked.

"There was a hidden room, inside were whole skeletons of all different creatures, the meat had been eaten off the bones."

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