{Episode 5 - Day One}

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Fudging locations for plot reasons. Basically consider karasuno and all surrounding locations being a small town adjacent to Musufatu. I'm fully aware that they are not actually near each other but I can't just leave out an entire cast because they're not located near each other.

I'm going to be taking a little break from writing since my dog just passed away. Thanks for your patience.

 Thanks for your patience

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A blaring alarm startled (Y/N) out of his peaceful sleep. Dim, early morning sunlight poured in from the window, a sweet reprieve from the light of the street lamps of last night, the tantalizing idea of the perfect lazy day calling out to (Y/N). Rolling over, (Y/N)  silenced the alarm on his phone, casting a glance at the old alarm clock sitting next to his phone on his side table. He wouldn't have to be anywhere for a bit. Relaxing back into the soft sheets, his thoughts drifted to what happened the night before. Kuroo. How odd he just gave (Y/N) his phone number. Maybe it was a spur of the moment kind of thing?

As his thoughts lingered on the dark streets he had walked along last night, a distant memory crept in, too faded by sleep to be deciphered. A lost dream. A distant song. Without thinking, (Y/N) hummed along to the melody.

The door opened, Maria barging in with a delighted smile on her face.
"You're awake! I was worried that I'd have to drag you out of bed."
She chirped as (Y/N) sat up, the hum dying in his throat.

"There's breakfast downstairs."
Maria walked over to the curtains, pulling them open to allow more sunlight in.

(Y/N) only held up his thumb in response, still too groggy to talk. The routine was familiar to him, even if he was in a new place. When (Y/N) moved in, he and Maria fell into this routine of having her wake him up, having breakfast, and going about their days. Breakfast and dinner were their times.

As Maria exited, closing the door behind herself, (Y/N) got up out of bed slowly. Wiping the last remnants of sleep from his eyes, (Y/N) stepped over to a cardboard box that'd been left near the door. Opening it revealed (Y/N)'s own clothes. Perhaps Leon brought it up for him. How nice.

(Y/N) quickly got dressed, the soft clothes feeling familiar against his skin, as did the barely there but noticeable pressure of his binder. Familiar. Comforting.

Ambling down the stairs, (Y/N) paused, listening to the various sounds of mixers, blenders, and timers, all noisily doing their jobs. The sound felt so alien, but inviting in some way. (Y/N) quickly trotted down the last few steps and turned to look into the kitchen where he was sure Leon was cooking new treats for the bakery, though only James greeted him.

The light mood in (Y/N)'a chest dampened, his eyes instinctively avoiding James' gaze. He was standing at one of the mixers, watching whatever was inside turn to dough. Whilst (Y/N) tried to creep out of the kitchen, James noticed him and smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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