06 'Rose'

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_next morning_

Eva woke up to the darkness of the early morning hours, the clock reading 3:00 AM. She stirred quietly, not wanting to risk being yelled at or worse if she overslept. But as she turned to get out of bed, she felt a weight on her - Anna was fast asleep, cuddled up against her like a little monkey. Eva couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. She gently lifted Anna's arms and legs, trying not to wake her, and slowly slid out from under her. As she swung her legs over the side of the bed, Anna murmured in her sleep, but didn't wake. Eva smiled, feeling a warmth in her heart, and began to get ready for the day, trying not to disturb her dear friend, who had become like a sister to her.

Eva followed her daily routine, heading to the bakery as the sun rose over the sleepy town. She worked diligently, her hands moving with precision as she crafted bread and pastries for the day's customers. After finishing her shift, she returned home, her feet carrying her on autopilot as her mind wandered to the tasks ahead. She began preparing breakfast and lunch for the family, her movements efficient and practiced. The familiar rhythms of her daily routine provided a sense of comfort and normalcy, a fleeting respite from the challenges that lay ahead.

With her work finished ahead of schedule, Eva found herself with a rare and precious gift: free time. She decided to take advantage of the unexpected luxury and walk to school, savoring the crisp morning air and the quiet streets. The gentle exercise and fresh surroundings lifted her spirits, and she felt a sense of lightness she hadn't experienced in a long time. As she strolled, she let her mind wander, enjoying the brief respite from her daily worries. Little did she know, this ordinary day was about to take an extraordinary turn.


As she walked to school, Eva was humming to some songs when suddenly, "BOOOO!" made her jump.

"Oh my!" she exclaimed, and then the person who startled her burst out laughing: "Hha, Ha Ha, he he haa!"

"Oh my God, Jay! It was you?! Don't scare me like that!" Eva exclaimed, her heart still racing from the sudden surprise.

"Hee, hee, I didn't know you were a scaredy-cat!" Jay said, laughing at Eva's expense, his amusement at her reaction evident in his hearty laughter.

"It's not that I'm a scaredy-cat, it's just that this path is usually empty in the morning, so I didn't expect you to pop out and scare me like that!" Eva explained, still trying to calm herself down as she walked alongside Jay, her hands still pressed to her chest.

"But why are you here so early, and in your school uniform? Don't you usually take the school bus?" Eva asked, her confusion evident as she turned to Jay, still trying to process the unexpected encounter.

"Oh, I don't usually take the bus, my mom drives me to school every day. But today I woke up early, so I decided to walk instead. And then I ran into you on the way!" Jay explained with a smile.

"Guess what?" Jay said, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"What?" Eva replied, curious.

"I think we're soulmates," Jay declared, his eyebrows wagging up and down. "Even the world can't separate us, that's why we were meant to meet like this on this early morning." He finished with an evil grin spreading across his face, clearly enjoying the dramatic flair of his words.

"Ugh, god, what's with the cheesy lines so early in the morning?" Eva said, rolling her eyes and shaking her head in exasperated amusement at Jay's over-the-top romantic declaration.

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