003 shameless tension.

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MIDNIGHT RAINchapter three  narrative

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chapter three narrative

MIDNIGHT RAINchapter three  narrative

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"LOOK AT HER. How can she just stand there and act as if she didn't partake in cheating acts just one month ago?!" Madeline exclaimed loudly as her cold gaze stayed fixated onto Milo and Billie, where Milo's arms was currently wrapped around Billie's shoulder as she huddled close to him, as if he were a life vest and she was too afraid to let go.

"I always know she was snakey but I didn't think she'd stoop this low." Caroline agreed, shaking her head in disapproval. "And I can't believe you're just letting them get away with this!" Madeline stated at me this time ad I continued to throw things into and out of my locker.

I clenched my jaw tight, the feeling of Milo's gaze burning the back of my neck before slamming my locker shut in both tiredness and frustration. Frustration because I was sick of Milo staring at me like some redemption arc for himself. And anger mostly towards myself for allowing his presence to have such an effect on him.

I'm the one who called things off. I'm the one who broke up with him for actions he'd committed on his own accord. So why was I the one feeling more guilty than the actual perpetrator??

"I'm not letting them get away with anything, I'm simply just not retaliating." I stated matter-of-factly.

No matter how I wanted to.

"That's still letting them get away with it. If it were me, Billie would have came into school with a bloody nose and broken pride!" Marianne voiced loudly in an attempt to get the two to overhear.

"You also would have a suspension to add to your permanent school record." Caroline countered. "Would be totally worth it to see her face scrunch in pain though."

"Mari, you might just be more psychotic than Madeline." I looked over to my friend, my eyes narrowed slightly at her weirdly phrased sentence. "Thank you!" She gushed over, Madeline giving her a quick side hug as the four of us fell into a small fit of laughter as the school bell rang then.

𝗠𝗜𝗗𝗡𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧 𝗥𝗔𝗜𝗡, connor noon.Where stories live. Discover now