004 confrontations overrated anyways.

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chapter four  narrative

MIDNIGHT RAINchapter four  narrative

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    "COME ON GUYS, HUSTLE UP! HUSTLE!" Coach Jackson barked out orders as the boy's hockey team skated across the rink, swiftly following Coach's orders.

"Coach's really pushing them hard, isn't he?" Caroline squeaked out next to me. "Well, I don't blame him. They've got that big championship game coming this summer and I've heard scouts are gonna be everywhere on that date." Marianne stated, making me sit up slightly at that.

Hockey was a huge part of Lacey Township High and we'd always been successful in qualifying for championship games but never successful in actually winning one before. And every year, they say it'll be different the next year and that we'll take it home that year and then the next following year, we'd either come second or third, which wasn't all bad but it would be great to come home with a first place trophy or some sort.

It was especially more pressure on Brady, Connor and Oliver, seeing as this was their last year of high school and also their last year of competing before heading to college, whereas Milo. Jack and Noah were all juniors. It was more on the seniors, seeing as they would be more likely to get an offer to play hockey in college, should they get noticed by a scout, the day of the championship game, which meant they'd have to put in more hours into practice to make sure they were ready and in top shape.

As much as I didn't like him, I sort of felt sorry for Connor. I mean, ice hockey was his entire life and to know that this was his last year of being able to actually play and his last year to potentially get scouted? I know it can't be easy on him.

I watched as he gracefully glided across the rink, his hockey stick battering against the puck as he shot yet another goal for his team, his face formerly etched in concentration, now turned into content as his teammates gave him high fives and positive encouragements.

I could have also spent his eyes met mine for almost a millisecond before looking back but I was most probably imagining it. As if he'd spare me a glance willingly.

"Speaking of the game, you guys going to the pregame bonfire party then?" Madeline asked excitedly, making me pull my vision away from Connor. "Oh yeah 100%! I've already gotten my outfit picked out and everything." Caroline squealed out.

As well as the championship game, we'd also always had a bonfire party every year down at the beach to send the players off with good luck but after the break up with Milo, I didn't really feel up for a party mood this year, especially since he was on the same team as Connor and the others. I knew it was selfish but I didn't feel right sending the others off if it meant sending Milo off with good luck too.

"What about you Ana?" Mari asked me then and I hesitated slightly. "I don't know guys. I think I might sit this year out.."

"Sit the year out?! But you've never missed a Lacey Township bonfire party before!" Madeline exclaimed out. "Well, there's a first time for everything I guess.." I trailed off, my gaze now turning to Milo as he lifted off his hockey helmet off before skating off the rink. "Hey, I'm gonna quickly get a snack from the vending machine, I'll be back in a bit."

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