008 library date.

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ana's outfit :)

MIDNIGHT RAINchapter eight  narrative, instagram

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chapter eight narrative, instagram

MIDNIGHT RAINchapter eight  narrative, instagram

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the next day; 14:42pm

"You know, for a fake date, you're putting an awful lot of effort into it. More specifically your outfit." Marianne spoke from my bed as she sat up. "Well obviously I wanna look my best? Even if it's for Connor." I retorted as I applied some highlighter to finish up my look.

"Are we sure this is just strictly a fake relationship?" Marianne raised a brow at me as I casted her a bewildered look. "Yes it's just a mutual fake relationship. We both agreed it's just to get back at Milo."

"And did you ever ask why Connor was so willing to help you out?" "Because he can actually be a decent human being?" I answered her implied question-statement, to which caused Marianne to face palm herself.

"Ana, when has Connor ever willingly wanted to help you out without having some sort of reasoning or catch to it?" Marianne stated it and I could only stare at her because. Well granted, she was right in a sense.

I had been skeptical at first as to why he was so adamant about the idea in the first place, given our history but I'd initially pushed it aside because. Well I generally wanted to believe he could be a decent person helping me out, I guess.

"Connor's one of my good friends too but between the relationship you two have had for over years now, I'd definitely question his motives slightly. Who knows? Maybe he secretly likes you." Marianna shrugged nonchalantly, to which I then blew a full blown cackle at.

Connor?? Liking me?? Yeah right.

"Mari that's funny. It really is. You should be a comedienne." I gestured at her as I grabbed my tote bag from my stand, grabbing my textbooks and other stationary that I would be needing for our library session. I grabbed my extra notebook for Connor, just in case the idiot didn't decide to bring anything with him, I'd be prepared.

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