009 library date, part two!

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chapter nine  narrative

i recommend playing this love by taylor swift for this chapter !

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i recommend playing this love by taylor swift for this chapter !


  "Ugh, I can't get this question at all. I'm actually gonna flunk this exam." I dropped the biology textbook frustratedly, Connor's eyes following my every move.

"Princess, you've literally only attempted four questions since being here." "Yeah and it's four questions too many. I'm taking a break." I blew a tired sigh, Connor's signature raspy laugh following shortly after.

We'd been at the library for over 2 hours now and just as Connor said, I'd only attempted 4 questions before calling it quits with studying as I pulled out my chocolate flavoured Pop Tarts to snack on.

"So." I mumbled against my snack. "How's hockey going for you?" "I mean, it's just been hockey I guess. Coach's been working me hard since I am the team captain so I gotta be on top of my game."

"Now you're just being modest. You can say you're one of the best on the team Connie baby. I won't think you're conceited or anything." I teased, elbowing him slightly. "Glad to know you think of me as the best hockey player you know, love." Connor retorted back, another laugh slipping out.

"Now I didn't say all that." I pointed over at him as I threw my Pop Tart wrapper away in the nearby bin. "You didn't have to, I could tell." He shot back, one of mischievous smiles making his way to his lips again and I found myself staring at the expression for a moment too long before looking away abruptly.

Was I really getting entranced by a smile?? And Connor's of all people??

"I take it back, you're hella conceited." I joked, shaking my head at my previous statement as Connor rolled his eyes before snorting in laughter again though in reality, I truly did think Connor was an amazing hockey player, probably the best on the team. And I didn't doubt that he would be scouted one of these days.

"I mean, it's just a lot of pressure. Considering I'm in my last year of high school, which means it's my last year to potentially get noticed but professional scouts in this year's championship game.. I just really wanna do well. Not just for myself but for my family and friends. I really wanna make them proud.."

Wow. I don't think I'd ever seen Connor like this before. So vulnerable. The saddened expression in his eyes when he spoke about wanting to make everyone proud.. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him then.

I knew what it felt like; wanting to make people proud, I'd constantly wanted to make my family proud everyday. Ever since our dad left us when we were kids, I'd always wanted to prove to my mom, Noah and Ruby, my older sister that I could do better with him, considering we had a closer relationship with each other before he decided to leave us.

I also knew that a couple words of encouragement went a long way.

"Hey." I slowly but surely placed a hand over Connor's, which caused him to set his gaze upon me, his hazel eyes twinkling with so many different emotions, I couldn't tell which one was dominating over the others. "I get wanting to make everyone proud but it's more important to make yourself proud first before anyone else. Your achievements mean more to you than it does to anyone else."

He hadn't said anything in reply. He just stared at me, an unreadable expression on his face before lifting his hand up to wipe away the Pop Tart crumbs, which were sitting at the corner of my lips.

"Who knew you were such a therapist, sweetheart?" My lips slightly parted as he very slowly wiped away the reminding crumbs before lifting his hand down and slowly leaning in so that our lips were barely inches away.

Holy crap. Was he about to kiss me? And I'd JUST eaten Pop Tarts beforehand?!

"Is he gone?" I shivered as he whispered softly and I looked over his shoulder subtly to see Milo staring right at us, an angered expression on his face as Billie was yelling at him to get going before doing so, practically marching out of the library.

"Oh yeah, he's gone now.." I cleared my throat as Connor leaned back, going back to play with his pen as he did. "Okay good."

I sat back against my chair, feeling slightly embarrassed and also weirdly sad that he hadn't kissed me then.

"And for the record.. thanks princess. I needed those words." Connor voiced then before going back to doodle in the notebook and I couldn't help but smile to myself, feeling again weirdly happy with myself that my words of wisdom had at least done good for someone.

Even if it was Connor. But I couldn't help but think about the small intimate moment we'd just shared.

And how I desperately wanted to feel his lips against mine and see how's they felt like for the first time.

I groaned internally as I picked up my biology textbook again, in desperate need of a distraction but all I could think about was the moment and Connor in general.

I groaned internally as I picked up my biology textbook again, in desperate need of a distraction but all I could think about was the moment and Connor in general

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dakota's outro !
...before you yell at me.
their gonna kiss at some point
okay. but this is a slowburn book

 but this is a slowburn booksoooo😍

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strniolo, circa 2023

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