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# 𝗙𝗜𝗙𝗧𝗘𝗘𝗡 💜❝ narrative ❞- ANA AND CONNOR'S POV! -

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❝ narrative ❞

# 𝗙𝗜𝗙𝗧𝗘𝗘𝗡 💜❝ narrative ❞- ANA AND CONNOR'S POV! -

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location  lacey township high !

I picked my phone up on the library table, checking the time for what seemed to be the 7th time since being here.

3:00pm. Which meant Connor's hockey practice ended in exactly 15 minutes. I sighed softly, placing my phone back down and picking up my current read to continue on my last place.

Connor's surprise was all I could think about in my last class and I was anticipating it so much, I thought I was about to burst into flames.

I was so engrossed with my book that I hadn't realised someone had sat down across from me until I placed my book down to see and immediately my face twisted in a sour look.

"What do you want Billie?" I deadpanned, already wanting to go back to my book. "I just wanna talk! I feel like we haven't spoken to each other in ages Ana." She spoke innocently, as if she wasn't even aware of the shit she had me go through for months now.

another reference, connor and ana have been fake dating for 3-4 months now, just so there's no confusion!

"You do realise there's a reason we haven't spoken. You know, considering the fact you stole my boyfriend and tried to act innocent about it all?" I raised a brow at her little act she was currently putting on.

"Come on Ana. Let's not act like you were innocent within you and Milo's relationship too. I see the looks you give Connor when you guys were together. You're just as bad."

Oh God, not this again. "Funny how you and Milo have both said the same thing to me and yet both of you have a past in cheating with your significant others." I smiled sourly at her, his smile swiftly turning into a frown as I closed my book and placed it in my bag before standing from my seat.

"Well, I'd like to say this was a nice conversation but truthfully speaking, it wasn't. Have a nice rest of your day Billie." I spoke curtly before turning to my heel so I could meet up with Connor since his practice was almost over.

𝗠𝗜𝗗𝗡𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧 𝗥𝗔𝗜𝗡, connor noon.Where stories live. Discover now