010 sick connor.

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ana's outfit :)

MIDNIGHT RAINchapter ten  narrative

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chapter ten narrative

NOON BROTHERS NEIGHBOURHOOD, NJthe following monday afternoon, 16:23pm

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the following monday afternoon, 16:23pm

I was currently walking from school, COLOGNE by beabadoobee playing through my earphones, a bakery bag filled with blueberry muffins in my hand, making a quick turn as I approached Brady and Connor's house.

I had my bio exam today in the morning, which I think I did pretty good on and wanted to tell Connor about it when I realised he wasn't in today, which was weird because he was supposed to have hockey practice for his pre practice tournament next month.

So I figured I would just go up and check on him. As any fake girlfriend would do, right?

stop the cap, you just want an excuse to be around him after you guys almost KISSED!?

I groaned both internally and out loud. The almost kiss moment was all I could think about throughout the entire weekend. I couldn't even get through most of my studying without the thought of Connor's lips being against mine popping up into my mind from time to time.

So I don't even know why I was torturing myself by going over to his house to walk with him to school but anything to keep up the fake relationship, right?

I knocked on the front door, taking out my phone to pause my music as the door flew open, revealing to be Brady and Connor's mom behind the door.

"Oh well, isn't this a nice surprise!" "Hi Mrs Noon." I waved and greeted her politely, a small smile on my face. "I was just wondering if Connor was okay. He wasn't at school today so I was just wondering."


I really need to stop talking to myself in my head.

"Oh yes, he won't be attending school for the few days sadly. Poor boy caught the flu the day you two came home from the library and has been sick all weekend. I've already called the school and hockey team to notify that he won't be in for this upcoming week."

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