Chapter 1: Machinations

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In a world governed by rules, he who creates it is deemed most powerful.

Yet you do not care for mere playthings. In your eyes, power and authority are two words with no definite parameters set onto it; they are nothing more but strings of characters typed into the fabric of society's fragile ideations. A pathetic attempt of gaining an advantage over the other, no different than a greedy king enslaving its subjects, or a father feasting upon his child's last supper.

What a regrettable conclusion. Amidst these thoughts, you continued your strides.

Philosophy has no room in the battlefield of politics; after all, the job description for the position of Vice Chancellor, as far as you were concerned, did not mention anything about giving a long winded lecture regarding the facts of this world. Though it is within your ultimate ability as Jack of All Trades, a title which you proudly show off whenever you see that jerk's face appear in your peripheral vision, you often suppress these unnecessary ponderings, tucking them away safely to the very back of your brain.

"Tsk. That jerk..."  You begin to think, letting your mind wander as you entertain this random train of thought. You pass by his dormitory room and adamantly shake your head.

"How the hell did he even manage to get anyone to vote for him, let alone for Prime Minister?! The last time I checked, everyone in Class 78 was ready to pounce on that guy—especially Toko Fukawa, although that weirdo always turns the word "pounce" into a lewd..thing."

A slight blush forms on your face as you vividly remember Toko's descriptions of her little "fanfiction" project involving the Prime Minister. You couldn't believe the absurd lengths that she went through in order for her to finish writing that 1000 page "project."

"Eugh..." Your face scrunches up into a disgusted expression as more memories of Toko's obsession crop up in your mind.

"From the way things are progressing, I wouldn't be surprised if I suddenly hear the Prime Minister being kidnapped by that woman...."

Clearing your thoughts and adjusting your glasses, you decided to hasten your pace and breeze through the hallway connecting the campus dormitory to the main section of the academy. Each footstep of yours continues to echo along the hallway, your heels clicking noisily as you hurriedly attempt to reach the Headmaster's office.

Surprisingly, no student was in sight, not even the Supreme General nor the Logistics Officer. "Strange...Taka is usually up and about lecturing everyone at this hour..."

You nervously check on your pocket watch, clicking it open with a push of a button. 7:24.

"Geez...It's a bit inconvenient that Headmaster Kirigiri really asked me to go to his office at such an ungodly time...."

Defeatedly shaking your head, you continued your strides, keeping your gaze locked on the reports you've worked on overnight which you now tightly hugged in your arms, making sure not a single page was out of place. Sometimes, just sometimes, you wish you didn't win that stupid bet 4 years ago; although you knew deep down that regrets were futile. Instead of wrestling with your thoughts further, you decided to continue walking along.

Suddenly, you hear a voice booming from across the hallway.

"Vice Chancellor. I didn't expect you to be here."

That voice... that sneering, annoying, arrogant voice of his. Whenever you hear it, you couldn't help but think of ways to immediately muffle his mouth to shut him up.

Closing your eyes in annoyance and trying to maintain your stoic composure, you look up to him with a neutral gaze, bowing politely with your teeth clenched.

As you wish, Prime Minister! || お望みのままに、首相!|| Byakuya Togami x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now