Chapter 5 - Conditionally

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"In a rush, Vice Chancellor?" Byakuya sneered, his grip on your shoulders tightening as you halt clumsily in your tracks, meekly looking up to him with an aghast expression. His piercing ocean blue eyes glowed as a few wandering rays of sunshine subtly hit his irises, giving the impression of a Covellite chunk struck by moonlight. He narrowed his eyes, seemingly suspicious of your sudden rush.


He puts a finger on your mouth, shushing you with a condescending expression. "No need to scream my title in that manner. After all, I'm not as deaf as you are." He sighs, begrudgingly holding you tightly so as to not let you fall onto the floor, your grip on your phone loosening as you were taken off guard by his sudden actions.

He raises an eyebrow as he quickly catches your phone, much to your awe. You never really expected the Prime Minister to be someone with quick reflexes—regardless, you straightened yourself, your usually warm and amiable demeanor hardening to match that of Byakuya's. He glances at its screen, taking mental notes of your agitated messages to Taka before sighing in a noticeably irritated manner.

"My apologies, Prime Minister." You stiffened, catching Byakuya slightly off guard as he notices you return to your unusually stoic personality. "I was looking for the Supreme General due to...some complications."

"Let me guess." Byakuya retorted, handing your phone back to you with a snicker. "You two had an unproductive and nonsensical quarrel over something that could be easily solved by common sense." He huffed with a bored look on his face, crossing his arms as he looked at you with indifference.

"Oh well. That is to be expected of someone your caliber."

Despite the growing temptation to slap him as each second passed, you eagerly suppress your emotions beneath your mask of stoicness. No matter how much you despised his condescending, elitist behavior, he was, and still is, your superior. You exhaled calmly, adjusting your glasses slightly as you mustered a polite little smile at him, much to his further irritation.

"Prime Minister, as Vice Chancellor, it is my duty to look after the internal affairs of the academy. Therefore..." You reply, hiding your phone inside your pockets upon realizing how unlikely it would be for Taka to pick up. "...It would only be fitting for me to resolve any altercations between any member of the student body."

"It was painfully obvious that my tone indicated a need for you to silence yourself, although it is apparent to me that you are unable to grasp linguistic subtexts." He scoffed at your reply as he adjusted his own glasses, glaring at you as he turned his back away from you. Ensuring he couldn't see you, you roll your eyes, sticking your tongue out in annoyance to the oblivious Prime Minister. He didn't seem to notice your little gesture.

"Fortunately for you, I am in a favorable mood today." He remarked, his air of arrogance encompassing the ever suffocating tension between you as he began to walk away.

"Oh my fucking god..." You thought to yourself, looking at your watch impatiently. "He's going to have a long spiel about how—"

"I know I am perfect, Vice Chancellor. That one is obvious." He called out to you as he noticed you weren't scuttling behind him like a little dog. He stops, his eyes glinting with pride as he peered over his shoulders to take a glance at you.

"...Knew it."

"Though preferably, I would appreciate it if you stopped venerating me with that fixation of yours and started moving." He smirks, putting one of his hands in his pockets as he adjusts his glasses confidently with the other. You couldn't help but grow increasingly weary of the Prime Minister's insufferable antics; in fact, you began to wonder how you even managed to survive 4 whole years with someone this annoying.

As you wish, Prime Minister! || お望みのままに、首相!|| Byakuya Togami x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now