Chapter 3: Enigma

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You busily rummaged around the basketball room as you attempted to find anything remotely suspicious with any of the basketball equipment—without luck, sadly. You stood up and dusted yourself, dribbling a ball whilst sighing as you faced Taka with a defeated tone.

"7th room—still none. I'm beginning to feel as if the Prime Minister just wanted to waste my time." You scratched your head as you kept the ball tucked in your arm while turning away from Taka to arrange the boxes you've opened; ignoring the seemingly anxious look on his face and his repetitive movements of checking the time on his wristwatch.

"Um... I hope I'm not bothering you, Taka." You said, lowering the tone of your voice. You received no response as you noticed he once again glanced at his wristwatch, the look of anxiety on his face increasing by the second. Though you are close with Taka, you still find the idea of making him wait for you as a humiliating act. You hastily put the boxes neatly on their respective containers and smile nervously at your equally anxious companion.

"Hey good? You've been checking on that watch for ages." You reply, a curious expression forming on your face as you begin to walk towards Taka to look at what his watch was containing that made it so interesting to look at—to your disappointment, it was nothing more than a regular analog clock.

"A-ah, yes..." He motioned, acting carefree and putting his arms on his waist with a triumphant look on his face. "I was just worried we'd be late for class..."

You tilt your head, confused as to what he was referring to. "Class? But it starts at 10 AM..." You chuckled to yourself and shook your head, smiling. "Wow, he really IS a bit too punctual sometimes. That's cute."

"Silly. I can assure you we won't be late...we have 2 rooms left to check up on anyway." You reassured him, patting him on the back as you head towards the door. The other rooms left—the table tennis room and the dancing room—were relatively easier to investigate due to the lack of equipment within them. "Besides," You thought to yourself, "with how things are going so far, I doubt we'd face any difficulties."

Taka nodded and smiled, albeit the worried expression in his face had not vanished as he opened the door and looked back and forth anxiously, as if expecting for something—or someone, to arrive. He begins to act more rattled, visibly shaking the closer you get towards the table tennis room. You begin to worry—knowing Taka, he is not a man who easily quivers over mundane things—even so when faced with death.

"Huh. Does that mean...?" You thought to yourself, walking slowly as you followed the Supreme General, feeling a little bit of anxiety as well. "Maybe Byakuya wasn't joking with the suspicious activity stuff; it probably IS very serious if even Taka is shaking. After all, he isn't the type to—"


Your thoughts get interrupted as, upon stopping in front of the table tennis room, you feel a strong push towards the slightly open door. Falling face first to the ground, you noticed how blindingly bright the room was, which was, quite frankly, suspicious indeed, as you had to manually flicker on the lights for the past 7 rooms you've been investigating.

"HA— ACK! VICE CHANCELLOR!" You could hear voices—familiar, unruly, and concerned voices—all seemingly gathering around you as murmurs began to fill the room. You felt yourself being lifted up as someone lifted you up by your arms. Your vision was once again spinning, feeling a burning sensation in your cheeks as you still feel the aftermath of the friction between your face and the floor earlier.

"Are you kidding me..." You thought to yourself as you tried to focus your eyes onto the faces in the room. You notice several figures—one with light purple hair, one with short brown hair with a laptop, one with pink ponytails, and some others your brain couldn't quite register; although you could see them wearing a pointy thing on their heads.

As you wish, Prime Minister! || お望みのままに、首相!|| Byakuya Togami x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now