Chapter 4: Limitations

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"Eh? Mr. Tensuo is attending today's class?" Shizune remarked as she sighs defeatedly, her dark green pen lightly tapping on your newly returned essay from your literature class. Shaking your head quietly, you hastingly pick the paper up, attempting to read the corrections your teacher had highlighted with the infamous red blood ink.

"Whaat? I clearly remember Ms. Chikan mentioned something about that guy taking a 4 day leave because of his wife." Torichin replied, inching closer towards you as he attempted to take a peek at your work, talking and gesturing casually as if he wasn't mentally comparing his marks to yours. "Ooobviously, Mr. Tensuo won't just attend this measly math class over his wife, right?"

"Still." Shizune retorted, putting her hands on her face as she shakes her head in despair. "If that's true, it would mean he'd be checking our work...way earlier!" She squealed, scratching her head in a panicked manner. "And that's like, super awful! I was planning to do it tomorrow..."

"Isn't tomorrow the deadline?" You smirked, flipping through the pages as you began to count the encircled sentences and phrases, each page feeling less and less like your work and more of a white letter sized paper that had a wild Red Friday deep dive as you notice the increase of the scarlet blotch marks all over it. "You're not suggesting you'd do them in the early hours of dawn, are you?"

"Absolutely! NOT!" Shizune cried out, her voice sounding as if she had just received the worst news of the century. "I was OBVIOUSLY planning to do them during our free time—"

"You mean the time you have dedicated to repeatedly stalking the Ultimate Snob?" You chuckled, giving Shizune a playful look as her cheeks started to turn into a dark shade of rose.

"Hah, hey—looks like someone's in denial." Torichin remarked, crossing his arms as his voice warps to that of a teasing singsong. The two of you exchanged mischievous glances as you both observed Shizune's eyes widen in shock at her apparent betrayal.

"S-Shut up!!!" Shizune squealed, playfully smacking the both of you at the back of your heads with her fists. "Y-You guys just don't get it! That boy from 78-A is just—ACK!!!"

She makes a high pitched noise akin to that of a fangirl who had just seen her idol in person, dropping to the floor rolling back and forth as she seems to be in some sort of bizarre trance. Worried, you and Torichin shrug as you glanced at the floor, now occupied by Shizune's lovestruck, simping, and quite frankly rolling form. Her neatly tied dark aquamarine ponytail was now frazzled and messy—her usually calm hazelnut eyes and cherry pink lips forming into a shape barely resembling a heart as she boldly exclaimed, albeit without any semblance of shame nor dignity in her voice;

"Mark my words! I, Shizune Himada of Class 78-B, will marry Byakuya Togami of Class 78-A!"

"Ah~ This is so delicious!"

You jolted awake as Chihiro exclaimed beside you, her usually calm and peaceful face breaking out into one filled with satisfaction and shock as she chewed the steak with extreme enthusiasm, her right hand cupped over her cheek as she continued to savor the rich flavors of her meal. "Vice should try this one out!"

You chuckle a little as Chihiro talks with her mouth full, much to the disdain of Taka. He shakes his head in disapproval, although instead of his usual habit of scolding, he kept to himself this time. Usually, with instances such as these, he would often go about for an hour, detailing a long rant about etiquette and proper manners which would often lead to the annoyance of the entire class. However, through some ungodly miracle or by circumstance, he continued to chew on his food silently, stifling a cough as he continued to listen in on the conversations of the class.

As you wish, Prime Minister! || お望みのままに、首相!|| Byakuya Togami x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now